Lots of folks upset..

We sure are getting "change", aren't we?

No......... we were fighting user fee, prior to this admin........ a tax is a tax.

nothing changes as much as the rate of change.

read the sig..
I'm still waiting for him to come get our guns and force our children to have abortions :rolleyes:

Changing bonus depreciation rules /= coming after middle class dudz with their 172. Regardless of how you feel about the tax issue.
I'm still waiting for him to come get our guns and force our children to have abortions :rolleyes:

First he's trying to get everyone on food stamps. Currently 44 million and counting so he has a few to go. :rolleyes:
typical leftist appeal to class warfare
Does class warfare also include time-worn old saws about stereotypical welfare moms, as is curently being ranted about on a thousand aviation threads this morning? Or is it only seen from "leftists"?

America has one party with two right wings, by the way. I think Gore Vidal said that.
Folks, if we're going to go the "leftist class warfare" or "rightist elite snobs" route with this thread, it'll be moved faster than you can say "Spin Zone".