That's the smart money.
I'm really unemotional about this stuff. I like Garmin because of what they give me across the board on the flight deck. Are they the cheapest, no. Are they the best - yeah. Is it overall the best long-term investment? Again, yeah, especially considering they have the GDL82 option now. (I went with the Ferrari version, the GTX345.) Am I a Garmin "fanboy?" Nope, I don't really care... their product suite just makes the most sense, by far.
For those who enjoy being part of a drama and throwing a little money in to the pot to gamble with, go right ahead. Have no idea why anyone would consider the Uavionix's untried and undeployed tail beacon product over the GDL82 given the minimal delta in price, but hey, knock yourselves out.
Aviation is supposed to be fun, and that probably is legitimately fun to some people, even if they don't want to admit it.