lol, well I am helping a local developer get his environment setup and two remote developers with virtual terminals at AWS.
I really need to get a new company started and get out of my current job.
After a week of “Oh, this new project customers are demanding is going to be really cool and good for my resume’”... and “we want you to work on this immediately”...
And then a week of cooling my heels waiting on the powers that be to make a decision about it... while clearing other projects and starting work on the new one...
And then two different people leaking words that indicate that I won’t be leading it up at the end of week three while waiting for news, (a day before the holiday weekend)... along with specific wording that sounds like they’re looking for an outside candidate to do it...
And finding out they held a major meeting on the whole thing without me, which may or may not have been an oversight or just two people who should know better, being total jerks...
Can’t tell yet on that last one, but various leading questions have pointed slightly more to jerk than oversight.
And even a political move that makes sense from a project manager to tell all of us to back off the new project so he can push for more help, since even if it was my new thing to run, we’d still need to hire staff...
I’m mostly daydreaming about quitting.
Waste of three weeks I could have been out finishing the CFII.
My GAF meter went from well above average about this place, to pegged on zero for the last two workdays.
Financially it wouldn’t be a total disaster, either. Which isn’t helping me stay motivated.
We scheduled a major phone system upgrade for June 7/8, so can’t do the CFII next week either.
Biggest problem is I was raised to be a responsible bastard and not walk out on anyplace in disgust.
Plus they’re paying me very well to cancel all the stuff I was working on and let me sit here posting this... and doing much less useful crap on the AWS farm...