Looking for new POS system for flight school and maintenance shop


Filing Flight Plan
Oct 27, 2016
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Hi All,

I work at a Part 61 flight school and we are currently in the market for a new POS system. We are currently using Flight Schedule Pro. While the scheduling module is satisfactory and we have no qualms with the aviation side of the system, we are running into problems with the accounting side. FSP lacks the accounting reports and modules we need to generate leaseback owner's statements effectively, account for fuel reimbursements (we reimburse fuel that our member's use while renting our planes) and block payments (we give a 5% bonus to those that pay cash/check in increments of $1000). There are a host of other things we need it to do but those are some of the main points.

We also have a maintenance shop that we are running on an entirely different system. The goal is to find a POS system that can do all of the accounting things we need it to do while also maintaining training materials and a robust schedule and integrating the maintenance shop.

I've started some research and have been calling around but I just wanted to see if anyone here had any suggestions and could offer some advice as to which system has helped or hurt your business. Your help in pointing me in the right direction is very much appreciated.

Thanks everyone!
I'm a user so I don't have the details of how it works, but. A club I am in uses Schedule Master. I schedule and pay through it. It gives me monthly reports. It's a large club with a lot of airplanes on leaseback from lots of owners and I am sure they run the whole operation through Schedule Master except instructors who are independent. pluseoneflyers.org. Emails and phone numbers are there. Could be a good source of info.
.....The goal is to find a POS system that can do all of the accounting things we need it to do while also maintaining.....

Funny as Timbeck2 mentioned. 10/10 will read again.

On a more serious note take a look at some other flight schools and bum their ideas as your own. My previous FBO used Square Point for Point of Sale paired with some mainstream system called quickbooks. Works
VERY well for them as I understand. Then some 3rd party scheduling system was integrated somehow for scheduling and dispatch. It also allowed mechanics to ground, note, and put out aircraft. Was very neat.
We use myFBO. I'm not involved in the decision making, but they have used it for the 14 years I've been working for them, so they must like it.
The Flight School I went through uses Schedule Pointe and seems to like it very well, and it handles leaseback accounting. The website for Schedule Pointe seems to indicate the it can handle maintenance shop orders and maintenance tracking as well, though I can't tell you how well that works as I've not experienced it.