Looking for CFI, willing to travel or host


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May 24, 2016
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Copied and pasted from Cessna172 owners club, post originally from 12/23


I've just purchased a 1973 M, same plane as what I have about 35 hours of recent training in. Sideline business is slowing down, I have a few months to really dedicate to getting my license. I've had the plane for about a week now and have not flown it as it has G5's, AP, and GPS systems I am not familiar with. I am waiting on a CFI to go with me. My CFI works full time, has a sideline flying gig, a regular life, and several other students that will remain flying school owned planes. I've inquired at another school about training with them, waiting to hear back as owner wanted to inspect logs before sending a CFI up with me. Some of their CFIs have left the area for the holidays. Meanwhile, I watch the skies, Foreflight, and listen to live ATC as I study for the written. I expect to schedule my written later today.

I've found someone that will come to me for $2500 a week, be available to fly the entire time. I know wx might cut into that. I am seriously contemplating this as I will get to train and learn in my plane. Are there others that do this? Can you share their info? Are you a CFI willing to do the same?

Things I know I need:
X country dual and solo
I've only done one day of short field, obstacle TO and L, one day of 60 degree turns. I expect I need lots of practice for performing maneuvers according to test standards.

I am willing to travel to train in someone elses 172, prefer to do it in mine.

I could likely be patient and get PPL locally but I have time, resources, and desire to git er done! Any pointers?

My CFI has lots of time in type, owns the same, has 2000+ hours. He just can't fly as much as I want.
Where are you located?
Eastern NC, plane at PGV
You don't need any IFR time, or 60 degree turns.
Wish I could help, I live an hour from there, but am on reserve at a 121.
A PPL student is required to have 3 hours under the hood.

Since you have a lot of the basics already, what about one of those "get your license in 2 weeks" places? You'd have to have the written done. If you don't have that, suggest spend this down time to get that out of the way.

Congrats on the new plane.
A PPL student is required to have 3 hours under the hood.

Since you have a lot of the basics already, what about one of those "get your license in 2 weeks" places? You'd have to have the written done. If you don't have that, suggest spend this down time to get that out of the way.

Congrats on the new plane.
I've really thought about it!
I feel for ya. Finding a CFI can be a chore even in big cities.

Have you asked everyone you can find around KPGV if they know a free-lance CFI?

Check the CFI directory at AOPA.

Post on Cessna-Pilots.net and Beechtalk if you haven't already.

I feel for ya. Finding a CFI can be a chore even in big cities.

Have you asked everyone you can find around KPGV if they know a free-lance CFI?

Check the CFI directory at AOPA.

Post on Cessna-Pilots.net and Beechtalk if you haven't already.


Yeah I'd asked at PGV. I'm now a pilot. Hopefully close to IR in January. Have met all requirements except signature. Hiring in an accelerated guy to start Jan 3.

Commercial next!