Look who's in favor of a downtown Chicago airport

Wonder how much of the construction company he owns, or is he just getting a kickback?
When I wrote about a heart transplant, back in the early 1990s, the organ harvest team hopped into a helicopter at Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood and sped toward Children's Memorial, planning to land on its helipad and proceed to Illinois Masonic, where the heart donor was.

Mid-flight, we were waved off by Children's. The neighbors had been complaining, they said, and so they were now limiting landings strictly to cases involving patients at Children's.

The medical version of, "Sorry, not my table."

We had to land in the middle of Oz Park, in a circle of light tossed by the spotlight from a police squad car.


In the 1980s I worked on a house right next to landing area in Oz Park and watched this procedure where the cops kept the area in the park clear as the heli landed and idled.

I thought it was serving Children's at the time. It might have been before Children's got the helipad.

And Meigs existed at these times.
Are there still lawsuits going on over Meigs?

~ Christopher

Not no more.

The city coughed up a $10,000 fine to the FAA + $3 million in legal fees and Duh Mare got to claim it was no big deal. We should add the value of Meigs as publicly-owned transportation infrastructure. Maybe $500-$700 million?