I'm not an airline pilot, and only briefly considered a career change to it years ago.....
Also, I have considered just anecdotally if I thought it would be a good career choice for my kids, if they were interested.....
So I've not given this topic a whole lot of thought, but things I'd probably have higher on my list than the issues you mention...well UV risk might be highest, but otherwise (this based on my experience of travelling a lot for work sitting in the back of airliners)
physical and mental stress from:
* sedentary travel lifestyle - back problems from sitting to much, bad diet, poor metabolic health
* upsetting/chaotic schedule - poor sleep schedules, family life or lack thereof, hotel living, etc...
* boredom - cumulative hours spent sitting and waiting for hotel buses, parking lot buses, layovers, security lines, hotel check ins, etc......
* monotony - flying the same bus route over and over and over day after day all month
This not to say that I think it's a bad career choice necessarily....because I do imagine a lot of good sides to it as well....