Pattern Altitude
I'm looking to get some long term disability insurance and everyone I've spoken with so far has a General Aviation exclusion, are there any pilot friendly providers out there? Does AOPA or EAA or any other pilot group have any sort of coverage available for this?
Also, I work in IT and sit on my butt in the comfort of my home the vast majority of the time and the quotes I've gotten for insurance so far have been very expensive (best is $270/mo., but that includes a few riders). It's not like I'm working with dynamite and heavy machinery here, so I wasn't expecting coverage to be so high. My wife has coverage through one of her professional organizations for just $90 a quarter, which makes the quotes I've been receiving pretty comical.
Also, I work in IT and sit on my butt in the comfort of my home the vast majority of the time and the quotes I've gotten for insurance so far have been very expensive (best is $270/mo., but that includes a few riders). It's not like I'm working with dynamite and heavy machinery here, so I wasn't expecting coverage to be so high. My wife has coverage through one of her professional organizations for just $90 a quarter, which makes the quotes I've been receiving pretty comical.