Leonid meteor shower--Space Snow?


Final Approach
Feb 27, 2005
West Coast Resistance
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Ack...city life
This morning from 0400 to 0530 local I witnessed several large meteors. I swear the largest left what looked like a contrail. I've witnessed many meteor showers before but never had I seen this effect.

I'll give credence to the notion that it was a visual illusion created by the intensity of the bright light but with the contrary argument that the 'contrail' remained for 30 seconds or so, longer than I would think the luminosity of the meteor would account for. And in talking to a friend in eastern New Jersey this morning, she said she had heard that this effect would be noticeable. She said she even heard it called, "space snow". Or maybe she meant, "star snow" now that I think of it.

Anyway, very cool effect and of course, the Leonids will again be visible the next few night/early morning hours.

EDIT: oh yeah, the 'contrail' seemed to billow before fading from view. Was that psychosomatic? No joke, Migaldi.
I have seen vapor trails off of meteors before.
Back in my college days I use to jog in the middle of the night to avoid the summer heat. I remember watching one "shooting star" that had a multi-color phosphorescent appearing trail behind it that lasted for several seconds as it traversed horizontally. Looked like a fireworks display.

Once, approaching BHM at dusk I witnessed a meteor that had that "billowly contrail" pass overhead. TRACON was not interested...lol.