Lawn Chair Balloonist tries again!

Skip Miller

Final Approach
PoA Supporter
Feb 22, 2005
New York City
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Skip Miller

"The first time, nobody wanted to be involved at all," Couch told The Associated Press in a phone interview Wednesday. "They were thinking I was a lunatic, I mean a balloon-atic. My friends shunned me. But this time it's different. "

Yep! Now they too have drunk the same kool-ade. Couch is still a lunatic.

Hey, to each his own, although I wonder about the legalities. Maybe his contraption qualifies as a ultralight? If so, then I guess he's technically legal as long as doesn't bust anyone's airspace or create a hazard.

I also have to wonder why he doesn't just take up conventional ballooning as opposed to the lawn chair and party balloon contraption. Altitude adjustment by way of popping your means of lift doesn't strike me as particularly wise.

I've often considered trying out free balloons. It does look like a lot of fun -- but I think I'd prefer a balloon that's a bit more conventional and certifiably airworthy than a lawn chair.

for it to be an ultralight it has to have an empty weight of under 254 pounds...

but if it's lighter than air ... :)

He's dead

SAO PAULO, Brazil (AP) -- DNA tests confirmed that a body found off the coast of Brazil is that of a priest who disappeared while flying over the Atlantic buoyed by hundreds of brightly colored party balloons, authorities said Tuesday.
The Rev. Adelir Antonio de Carli flies using 1,000 helium-filled balloons on April 20.


The Rev. Adelir Antonio de Carli set off from the Brazilian port city of Paranagua on April 20 strapped to 1,000 helium-filled balloons in an attempt to raise money to build a rest stop and worship center for truckers.
But the 41-year-old Roman Catholic priest soon lost contact with his ground team, and the cluster of yellow, orange, pink and white balloons was found in the water a day later.
Yep! Now they too have drunk the same kool-ade. Couch is still a lunatic.

If it wasn't for the crackpots, we'd all still be hiding up a tree eating leaves and terrified of the things that go bump in the night.

At least he's staying occupied and not bothering many people.

Blessed are the cracked for they shall let in the light.
Blessed are the cracked for they shall let in the light.

Amen brother. And they make us look relatively sane, while we all know being pilots we just have to be craaaaaazy. :goofy: