Last day ponderings


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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I am sitting at my desk but why?
It is my last day, I no longer have possessions here.
Do I stay until 5 or should I just turn in my badge?

I survived the very awkward lunch organized by my boss that turned out to be me and him and a guy that works for me whom I hired the day before I turned in my notice (I couldn't tell my boss don't hire this guy I am leaving)

Everyone works from home and so it was just the 3 of us eating quietly and awkward and then my boss says "2 checks, I will cover Bryan's" So new guy who actually brought his lunch and was invited to my sad going away lunch buys his own.

What have I forgotten to delete from this computer?

What is the bathroom situation like at the new gig? Is it a nice private place where one can take care of business. Is it right across from the hot chick section where they would clearly notice how much time I have been in there? Or worse what if there is some sort of announcement that gets made every time I go?

I think I have deleted everything except my email pst files. There are no videos, personal photos or mp3s. I think I have covered everything.

Why would the new gig have a hot chick section anyway? Doesn't make sense. Why would I care anyway? I am nearly 40 and married. Of course I am a pilot so that knocks about 15 years off I think.

That was a fantastic hamburger from "The Ranch" in Las colinas.
Mrs. 6PC will get real jealous when she reads where my awkward lunch took place.

Ugh what if it is a hot dude section? Shutter.... I don't even know what my pilot cred buys me in that situation.

I literally have nothing to do or to be doing right now. nothing at all. I guess that is like most days here. Dead during the day, busy as hell at night.

I wonder where I will eat for my going away lunch at my next job. I wonder who I will be eating with. I hope it is not a bunch of hot dudes that hang out by the bathroom. That would be horrible. New job has a cafe. Maybe going away lunch is just "Here's a couple bucks, go grab some sandwiches from the deli"

I just did the math and current company will give me $5800 for unused vacation. I wonder how much that is after taxes?

I should tell Mrs 6PC it is only like $300 and I could take the remainder and buy a powered parachute off ebay. I would just tell her I found it.

I have to wake up at like 5:30 tomorrow morning. I can't imagine having to get up that early/ Add to that driving in 5 days. All of that in addition to the dudes in front of the men's room situation.

^I typed that sentence there and my new employee that I hired the day before I gave notice just came over here and told me he was giving his 2 week notice. He found another job. He has been here 5 days and just gave a 2 week notice. That's interesting to think about. Probably because he had to buy his own lunch.

Do I type a farewell letter and send it to everyone? I hate reading those and I swore I wouldn't. I have been emailing everyone individually and hoped to just slip out unnoticed.

I should probably go shake peoples' hands. Erg what if it turns out I am a big p***y and I start to cry?

Oh well. I think I will uninstall this browser now.

See ya on the other side.
I am sitting at my desk but why?
It is my last day, I no longer have possessions here.
Do I stay until 5 or should I just turn in my badge?

I survived the very awkward lunch organized by my boss

Boom, your answer is right there. After the awkward lunch, you're done!

Edit: BTW, your boss making the new(and out the door) guy buy lunch is a low down move.
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The bathroom situation at the new office is critical and you should have checked that out before you said you would work there. I am beginning to question how you can be pilot when you don't pay attention to important details like that.

The building I work in is an old house it has 3 bathrooms one on each floor and they are right outside people's offices. Fortunately for me I live less than a mile away and if business needs doin' I run home.

Had to buy his own lunch with the boss there that is pitiful. :nonod:
Man, I just typed a lengthy "thank you" letter to my boss's boss and his response "Good luck at the new gig" came to me so quick, he couldn't possibly have had time to read my whole email.
You are already gone in their minds. So why are you still there.
Man, I just typed a lengthy "thank you" letter to my boss's boss and his response "Good luck at the new gig" came to me so quick, he couldn't possibly have had time to read my whole email.

You are already gone in their minds. So why are you still there.
Yeah - that's the equivalent to a response of, "You're still here?"
Walk away quietly,don't look back,in a few days they won't remember your name. Time to move on.
No kidding, last day, leave after the free lunch.

Only reason you stay is to get a live check, otherwise it's time to go.
Leave on a high note.

I had the satisfaction of nixing a guy I prev worked with at my new place. He was all kinds of awkward with some kind of neuro problems, for a customer facing position. I mean he was screwy without being brilliant.

IT is a small world. I cross paths with prev customers and eng on a monthly basis. If you get a rep, it'll follow you.
Being a pilot takes 15 years off? Is that same for female pilots?
WTF I thought it was 15lbs per rating. Why am getting an IR if it only lets me fly in clouds and stuff...

Now I may need to find a Cherokee Six. Or just go to the gym.

hmmm.. barnstormers or lifetime.
if I was hired, worked 5 days then gave 2 weeks notice, I'd at least ask for a raise first.
Man, I just typed a lengthy "thank you" letter to my boss's boss and his response "Good luck at the new gig" came to me so quick, he couldn't possibly have had time to read my whole email.

In other words: "don't let the door hit you...."
Well, I only worked for others once in my life - that was GM and when I chose to leave I wrote a lengthy and highly critical letter to the Board Of Directors pointing out why they would be bankrupt in 10 years. It took longer than that so "Hey what do I know"

Since then I have worked for myself for 40+ years and I always have to buy my own lunch.
You will type this form of email every time you leave a job, until you start your own gig.

I did that in 1998. I helped my wife in 2007.

The only problem is, you cannot stick it to The Man, because you will be The Man.
last act should be format C:

If everything was properly done, there would be no company or personal data on C:. You would be accomplishing nothing and the act could even be considered as a threat to the company you are leaving.

Properly done, you would be on a virtual terminal. All data on shared servers that are backed up every night. The user would not have access or permission to execute any server command.

And if you are network admin and tried that, you should never have been hired in the first place.
I am sitting at my desk but why?
It is my last day, I no longer have possessions here.
Do I stay until 5 or should I just turn in my badge?

I survived the very awkward lunch organized by my boss that turned out to be me and him and a guy that works for me whom I hired the day before I turned in my notice (I couldn't tell my boss don't hire this guy I am leaving)

Everyone works from home and so it was just the 3 of us eating quietly and awkward and then my boss says "2 checks, I will cover Bryan's" So new guy who actually brought his lunch and was invited to my sad going away lunch buys his own.

What have I forgotten to delete from this computer?

What is the bathroom situation like at the new gig? Is it a nice private place where one can take care of business. Is it right across from the hot chick section where they would clearly notice how much time I have been in there? Or worse what if there is some sort of announcement that gets made every time I go?

I think I have deleted everything except my email pst files. There are no videos, personal photos or mp3s. I think I have covered everything.

Why would the new gig have a hot chick section anyway? Doesn't make sense. Why would I care anyway? I am nearly 40 and married. Of course I am a pilot so that knocks about 15 years off I think.

That was a fantastic hamburger from "The Ranch" in Las colinas.
Mrs. 6PC will get real jealous when she reads where my awkward lunch took place.

Ugh what if it is a hot dude section? Shutter.... I don't even know what my pilot cred buys me in that situation.

I literally have nothing to do or to be doing right now. nothing at all. I guess that is like most days here. Dead during the day, busy as hell at night.

I wonder where I will eat for my going away lunch at my next job. I wonder who I will be eating with. I hope it is not a bunch of hot dudes that hang out by the bathroom. That would be horrible. New job has a cafe. Maybe going away lunch is just "Here's a couple bucks, go grab some sandwiches from the deli"

I just did the math and current company will give me $5800 for unused vacation. I wonder how much that is after taxes?

I should tell Mrs 6PC it is only like $300 and I could take the remainder and buy a powered parachute off ebay. I would just tell her I found it.

I have to wake up at like 5:30 tomorrow morning. I can't imagine having to get up that early/ Add to that driving in 5 days. All of that in addition to the dudes in front of the men's room situation.

^I typed that sentence there and my new employee that I hired the day before I gave notice just came over here and told me he was giving his 2 week notice. He found another job. He has been here 5 days and just gave a 2 week notice. That's interesting to think about. Probably because he had to buy his own lunch.

Do I type a farewell letter and send it to everyone? I hate reading those and I swore I wouldn't. I have been emailing everyone individually and hoped to just slip out unnoticed.

I should probably go shake peoples' hands. Erg what if it turns out I am a big p***y and I start to cry?

Oh well. I think I will uninstall this browser now.

See ya on the other side.

Man I wish I had left early today... but I'd still be going back to the same job tomorrow.
If everything was properly done, there would be no company or personal data on C:. You would be accomplishing nothing and the act could even be considered as a threat to the company you are leaving.

Properly done, you would be on a virtual terminal. All data on shared servers that are backed up every night. The user would not have access or permission to execute any server command.

And if you are network admin and tried that, you should never have been hired in the first place.

That "properly done" description is not realistic for every business and every business user.
If everything was properly done, there would be no company or personal data on C:. You would be accomplishing nothing and the act could even be considered as a threat to the company you are leaving.

If there was no data how would it be a threat?
That "properly done" description is not realistic for every business and every business user.

Nor is it realistic for any of the jobs I have had (and left), which is quite a few over the last 12 years

By the way, 6PCs comment about the hot dude section, followed by "shutter" made me laugh. do you always take pictures of hot dudes?
Everyone works from home and so it was just the 3 of us eating quietly and awkward and then my boss says "2 checks, I will cover Bryan's" So new guy who actually brought his lunch and was invited to my sad going away lunch buys his own.

That's the most pathetic thing I've seen written in a very long time.

I once worked for a boss like that in newspapers. My coworkers and I spent our lunch hours entertaining ourselves with more and more elaborate plans to kill him. If any one person can be blamed for me becoming a serial entrepreneur, it was that guy.

I'm glad you've escaped. Good luck!
What is the bathroom situation like at the new gig? /QUOTE]

You can tell damn near everything you need to know about a company by visiting their bathrooms.

Clean and with non-sandpaper toilet paper and everything stocked, you've usually found a company that knows how to take care of even the smallest details and do it right.

Obviously it's not foolproof, but if the toilet paper sucks, usually the place does too.

Always ask if you can use the restroom after an interview. Don't even have to actually use it, just go inspect it.

If they can't get their you-know-what together in the bathroom, they probably don't have it together anywhere else either.
Oh and by the way, I've stuck DBAN in the optical drive or on a USB stick and run it on every laptop I've ever handed back in, anywhere. I always ask permission and start with "Everything you need from my laptop that isn't already in the team folder is copied onto this thumb drive (as I hand it to them) here. As long as you're okay with it, I'll wipe the laptop drive and leave it running DBAN on the desk when I take off on Friday. You should have already received the summary email of where everything is and the encrypted file on this thumb drive has the really dangerous passwords and what not. If you want we can unencrypt it now and make sure that works. By deleting the laptop drive all my SSH private keys will die with it, that I used here. I've made sure the other admins have access to everything."

Never had a manager complain and the co-workers who were going to have to wipe it anyway, appreciate it.

No sysadmin can leave their laptop with all the crazy confidential **** in sysadmin laptops, in the hands of the desktop monkeys. No F-ing way would I EVER not wipe the thing.

One place was going to full disk encryption and our favorite wipe method was just to boot it and fail the login password the requisite number of times. Laptop would nuke itself.

Obviously anything that needed to be kept for legal reasons was already up on a networked server disk somewhere long before the dumb terminal known as a laptop had to be wiped.

Always one of the last things on the way out the door for the sysadmin. DBAN the lappie. With approval.
That's the most pathetic thing I've seen written in a very long time.

I once worked for a boss like that in newspapers. My coworkers and I spent our lunch hours entertaining ourselves with more and more elaborate plans to kill him. If any one person can be blamed for me becoming a serial entrepreneur, it was that guy.

I'm glad you've escaped. Good luck!

My boss wasn't a good boss. He was a good developer.
In I.T. there is this problem where good software engineers get rewarded w/ promotions into management. Good developers are generally not good managers.

I was lucky. I was a crappy developer and got promoted into management. I am not necessarily a people person, but I know how to read and engage my audience based on what they need, what the situation dictates, and the feedback (verbal and non verbal) that I am getting from them. If ever that fails, I fake a stroke to buy some time.
My boss wasn't a good boss. He was a good developer.
In I.T. there is this problem where good software engineers get rewarded w/ promotions into management.

I worked many years for the computer company mocked by the HAL 9000. Same deal, the best technical people were promoted into management, with mostly bad results.
My boss wasn't a good boss. He was a good developer.
In I.T. there is this problem where good software engineers get rewarded w/ promotions into management. Good developers are generally not good managers.

I was lucky. I was a crappy developer and got promoted into management. I am not necessarily a people person, but I know how to read and engage my audience based on what they need, what the situation dictates, and the feedback (verbal and non verbal) that I am getting from them. If ever that fails, I fake a stroke to buy some time.

The Peter Principle often works in reverse - people who make great managers are often bad at the little things they need to do to break into management.

Congratulations on the new job, I hope it's what you're looking for.
The Peter Principle often works in reverse - people who make great managers are often bad at the little things they need to do to break into management.

Congratulations on the new job, I hope it's what you're looking for.

I enjoyed the labotomy. What are you talking about? Ha.