Largo, MD (W00, W18, ANP, FME, other?)


Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
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White Chocolate
I was talking with a buddy on how I wanted to go to DC and see the Smithsonian, and he says he does some independent contract work in Largo, MD that he goes down once or twice a year over a weekend to do. So we might head down there near the end of the month. Airnav comments for W00 and ANP don't seem so great, and W18 has none. College Park would work great, but I'm not cleared into the FRZ.

Suggestions? Also, with it being in the SFRA I would probably just file IFR rather than deal with DVFR flight plans. What sort of routing would I expect coming in from the northwest?
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Land at Montgomery county (GAI), take a cab to the Shady Grove station and take the DC metro into town.
Land at Montgomery county (GAI), take a cab to the Shady Grove station and take the DC metro into town.

Wrong side of town. Largo is oustide the Beltway on the east side.
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Not much in terms of full-service GA airports on this side of DC.

Freeway is certainly the closest by. Not much in terms of services and a shortish runway. Tipton has more runway and FBO services and is not that much further out.
GAI may be the wrong side of town, but the ones on the east side don't have any public transportation into town. If you want to go to the east side and don't mind a big cab fare, you could try Tipton (KFME). You may also be able to arrange a rental car there -- call them and see.

Whether you go to KGAI or KFME, if you arrive IFR from the NW, they'll bring you in over MRB and FDK, then to GAI and then down to 2000 to KFME for a visual approach. Departure will be initially towards EMI and then back towards FDK/MRB once you're high enough to avoid the IAD traffic.
I am pretty sure we'd get a rental car, and looks like Tipton is probably the best bet with an Enterprise on/near the field. Thanks for the info on the routing. Just wanted to make sure it wasn't one of those route you to SBY before turning you back in ordeals.
Freeway is probably the closest.

Tipton (FME) is a good choice, though it's a bit further. I can confirm that rental cars are (or were a couple of years ago) available either on the field or for delivery to the field.
Freeway is probably the closest.

Tipton (FME) is a good choice, though it's a bit further. I can confirm that rental cars are (or were a couple of years ago) available either on the field or for delivery to the field.

Freeway is the closest, but after reading the Airnav comments, I think Tipton will be the place, if he decides not to airline it.
If you've never been in/out of Freeway with someone who knows it well, between the FRZ, the wires, the runway, and the obstructions, there are a lot of ways to screw up without realizing you did it until something bad happens. FME gives you a lot more breathing room on those issues.
If your going to get a car anyway you might want to consider flying into Leesberg on the west side. You could have your friend drop you off at the Udvar-Hazy center at Dulles and I believe there are shuttles back and forth between there and the downtown branch. Not so good for your friend but good for you :)
I had mentioned Gaithersburg and he was like "hell no, that's on the wrong side of town." So.....