The tone of your posts makes you sound really inexperienced and judgmental.
hopefully it’s just a misconception due to the communication method.
What I am is a person who has grown tired of people screwing up royally, and then not accepting the blame, but always trying to pass the buck.
'Gee ya Bob over in accounting drank the last of the coffee so I couldn't get the project completed on time'.
'Mary from the copy room needed a few minutes to change the toner, so I didn't get it done although it was given to me four hours ago'. told to me last week by someone who I gave a 15 minute photocopy job to, and said I need this ASAP.
'I crashed the airplane because it was windy'. ...I actually heard this with my own ears from the pilot who crashed.
'A snowflake fell so I slammed the car into the ditch'.
'Samantha didn't compliment me on my new shirt, so i got depressed and couldn't work'.
'My wife is divorcing me so I got really drunk, tried to drive, ran the red light killing your wife and daughter '. ...that one was actually told to me by the person who ended the lives of my wife and daughter.
Excuses don't mean anything to me, its time people took responsibility for their own actions.
When a pilot crashes a plane, for anything other than extreme structural failure, the prop falling off, or the engine(s) grenading due to conditions out of their control, it is ALWAYS THE PILOTS FAULT!
Don't blame wind, if you can't handle the wind at a certain airport because you lack the skills required, go somewhere else.
If you hit a parked plane, there is zero excuse for doing so, unless the Incredible Hulk himself picked the aircraft up and threw it at the other one.
Alcoholics always have a reason for why they drink, people have an excuse for ditching their car, pilots for crashing, and the list goes on and on...
I say BS, if someone screws up its 100% on them.
The reason I have a brand new pickup, to replace the only 2 year old one that I was happy with, is because I was rear ended while stopped at a red light, and pushed ahead into the semi truck in front of me. Her excuse was that the road was slippery...BS because the semi truck and I both stopped just fine on the exact same road. But that was her excuse instead of just admitting she sucks at driving!
So am I tired of excuses, for actually just being incompetent, hell yes I am.