Well, I'm buying one. Plain and simple.
The most amazing part of Bezos' demo?
The most amazing part of Bezos' demo?
Ok, but how does it work in outside light? My laptop screens are el sucko.
Ok, but how does it work in outside light? My laptop screens are el sucko.
Ok, but how does it work in outside light? My laptop screens are el sucko.
So how do you get charts? I found write-stuff's scam site, and I found a few places that offer to convert PDF to .MOBI, but none seem to work for charts....
That guy did
So how do you get charts? I found write-stuff's scam site, and I found a few places that offer to convert PDF to .MOBI, but none seem to work for charts....
That guy did
Supposedly the DX supports PDF natively... No conversion necessary.
Well, I am kinda ****ed-off at 'em; I feel like a chump for having gotten the second-gen Kindle a scant few months ago when this was on the horizon. I don't supoe tha they'll offer any trade-up credit...
skyhog, not sure why you're referring to, but yes, we've been running a prototype app for the Kindle providing approach charts, weather charts, and AF/D downloads for over a month now. We're very close to releasing it to beta testers. And yes, it will also support the larger Kindle DX as well.
- Russ
So the answer is no then. I can't get more information without giving you my email address?
Actually, I did give my e-mail, and zippo additional information so far.
skyhog, not sure why you're referring to, but yes, we've been running a prototype app for the Kindle providing approach charts, weather charts, and AF/D downloads for over a month now. We're very close to releasing it to beta testers. And yes, it will also support the larger Kindle DX as well.
- Russ
That's OK Spike. I bought one last week.So, I don't have to feel like a complete chump for buying a Kindle (2nd gen) a few months back?
So, I don't have to feel like a complete chump for buying a Kindle (2nd gen) a few months back?
Please hang with us, Jeff. The information is forthcoming. We want to make sure that we have a very good, stable service before releasing it to beta testers. You'll be hearing from us soon.
- Russ
Not to pick nits here, but "beta testers" don't expect a "very good, stable service". That's why they're testers...their job is to find all the stuff that's wrong with it before your spring it on the rest of the world!
Not to pick nits here, but "beta testers" don't expect a "very good, stable service". That's why they're testers...their job is to find all the stuff that's wrong with it before your spring it on the rest of the world!
Well, you can always refer to the book on the subject! Actually that's the job of the alpha testers - to work out the kinks when there are still plenty of them. Beta testers should be able to use the product in a realworld configuration with the most common bugs already routed out and something close to the final user interface in place. The beta testers should be working with pretty much the real deal (just ahead of everyone else).
We did get sidetracked for a couple of weeks producing a video on CFI liability for NAFI. That, btw, is streaming at (.org and .com, too). If you're a CFI this 38 minute roundtable is pretty important stuff. But that's finished and we're back on the Kindle project now.
Well, you can always refer to the book on the subject!
(Disclosure: Written by a friend of mine.)
Hehe... Actually that's the job of the alpha testers - to work out the kinks when there are still plenty of them. Beta testers should be able to use the product in a realworld configuration with the most common bugs already routed out and something close to the final user interface in place. The beta testers should be working with pretty much the real deal (just ahead of everyone else).
We did get sidetracked for a couple of weeks producing a video on CFI liability for NAFI. That, btw, is streaming at (.org and .com, too). If you're a CFI this 38 minute roundtable is pretty important stuff. But that's finished and we're back on the Kindle project now.
Better question is "useful" low altitude charts. They still rely a bit on color for their information, and the Kindle's are monochrome machines. You could obviously use shades of grey, but they can be difficult to distinguish, especially with just a glance.What are the chances low altitude charts will ever be available for this machine?