KCGE Breakfast Flight


Jul 27, 2005
Ocean City, MD
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Mary and I will be heading out Sunday morning on a breakfast flight to KCGE, Cambridge, MD to enjoy some of the fine cooking at Kay's at the Airport. After that who knows where we'll go.

wx outlook
8:22am We are heading to the airport in 15-20. We should be wheels up between 9:30- 9:45.
My plane is still in for its annual, or I'd be there. Love the food at CGE.
Ces't la vie Gary and I were all set to meet you down there with the pilots from Quakertown but one of the guys in the group was flying the new Lancair Evolution Ser # 2 could not take it more than 150 from IPT. The plane is the Test Bed for the new Lycoming 540TEIO super duper computerized wizbang FADEC engine. Purty impressive anyway CGE was 167.3 from IPT. Well next time my friend.
Breakfast was perfect......and following stuffing the tummy's we made the hop to KGED. Georgetown had the courtesy car available so Mary and I headed into Lewes for maybe two hours. It was a great day to fly!!
My wife and I made a $100 crabcake run to Kay's today. Recommended!
Great breakfast stop, hope the weather co-operates for your flight.
It was warm and smooth for January! The crosswinds were stronger than forecast, but that's not unusual for Freeway.