Just how mild has your winter been?


Final Approach
Feb 23, 2005
Out of a suitcase
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I can't get over that spring will be popping out here in just a few weeks - at least crocuses. I hope I don't jinx that by bringing this up.

I just checked NOAA and while we have had a few nights (very few, insanely few) that dipped into the teens, and a handful that have been in the 20s... most of the lows have been 30 or above (and that's got to be night time lows) and in fact a good chunk of the lows have been above or near 40.

Highs? Well, we've gone from a low-high of 40 in December, to a high-high of 60-ish in December - 7 times. Seven times, people! December is always the month that shows you that winter is here and no fooling - in recent years maybe even the coldest month, IMHO.

Jan: low-high of 30, high-high of 65-66 or so. 10 days at or above 55. TEN.

Feb: low-high of 30, high-high of 68. In 12 of the 13 days, only one didn't reach 40 degrees (yesterday) but most were at or above that.

Look at Europe, by contrast. The weather photos I've seen recently look like what our midwest usually sees. And the ice!

So how has yours been, and do you expect spring soon?
Other than one episode that resulted in 6 inches of snow topped by 1/2 inch of ice, it has been relatively mild.
It has been awesome flying weather in Georgia/southeast all winter. It is rare to get snow here and winter is usually great flying here. The bad time of the year flying for me is August with 100 degree days. Once you get up to altitude it's not too bad but it is miserable while on the ground.
Until late last week it's been very mild here except for one or two cold snaps. Most of the time the highs have been above freezing, and even the lows have been way above normal and many times above freezing.

Then Friday night we had 3 inches of snow followed by a blast of arctic air. I hope this is just another temporary cold snap, but the long range forecast says we've had a change of weather pattern and it will be mostly cold now with a few warm spells. In other words, more like a normal Michigan winter.

But the point about Europe is well taken. They are getting clobbered. I hope they get a reprieve soon (as long as the nasty stuff doesn't come here).
This has been the mildest and least snowy winter I've experienced since I moved to Minnesota 37 years ago.
It seems like it's been a little snowier than normal here but also a little warmer.
Its been very warm here until the last few days - downright cold here now.

But no snow. I am told that is not normal for the area. I will say that in New Mexico over Christmas, I had to deal with feet (plural) of snow, which I never dealt with in the many, many years I lived there.
Not as cold as last year (snow in SHV!) but raining all the time.
Hoping for a hard freeze around Easter to kill all the mozzie's.

That's the great thing 'bout Mother Nature; no matter what WE think should be happening she just keeps on changing to suit herself...

Chris (dripping wet but not freezing cold this year...):)
Warmer than normal, 70s day and 50s night.
But we have a winter storm warning for tonight, 8-12 inches of snow expected above 4500MSL.
Winter? When exactly is that supposed to start? I'm still waiting for it.
Spring is here


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It's been way to warm all winter. Natural gas storage is full and the price of natural gas is in the dumps. From a cash flow point-of-view, the business sucks right now...Turn up your thermostats everyone and enjoy the luxurious warmth!
It's been an incredibly mild winter here. We saw flocks of geese migrating back North a couple of weeks ago, well ahead of their usual schedule. In late January we even set a new all time high temperature record -- 69 degrees one day. Absolutely beautiful weather, made me think about getting the motorcycle back out of the garage.

Then I started trying to schedule flying lessons again. Since then it's been snow, ice, wind and low ceilings. The exception was the day I couldn't fly due to other obligations. I'm sorry, folks. The crap weather is apparently all my fault.
It's been way to warm all winter. Natural gas storage is full and the price of natural gas is in the dumps. From a cash flow point-of-view, the business sucks right now...Turn up your thermostats everyone and enjoy the luxurious warmth!
You could always do your part and convert the Frankenkota to run on LNG...
You could always do your part and convert the Frankenkota to run on LNG...

Now wouldn't that be something! It'd solve the 100LL problem. Letseeherenow, to get 220 hp, I'd need at least 500 cubic inches and then I'd need lots of storage volume, prolly a couple hundred gallon tank. This will all work, just need to expand the fuselage to about the size of a Pilatus and everything will be good. Of course the larger fuse will need more horsepower and blah, blah, blah. Okay, maybe a LNG powered 747 is feasible for one or two pax plus light baggage.

I've thought about converting our field vehicles to run on compressed natural gas. Might still do it.
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The other day we had a 92 degree temperature swing over about 72 hours iirc. Mostly cold with a record breaking January but unseasonably mild at the moment which is to say about the same winter temps as much of the country usually experiences in February.
It's been relatively mild in Portland -- just one light dusting of snow a couple of weeks ago that melted away within hours in the lower elevations. But 20 miles north of here they got upwards of two feet of snow. Meanwhile, the whole Puget Sound region 100 miles north of here and beyond was clobbered with extensive ice and snow.

Go figure.
So what you're saying is that we need to set up a really big CNG heater at your hangar, Clark? ;)
It's been relatively mild in Portland -- just one light dusting of snow a couple of weeks ago that melted away within hours in the lower elevations. But 20 miles north of here they got upwards of two feet of snow. Meanwhile, the whole Puget Sound region 100 miles north of here and beyond was clobbered with extensive ice and snow.

Go figure.

It lasted 3 days, and then it turned 50.

we got 6" total.
In the Boston, MA area, there has been a wonderful lack of snow (makes up for last year when we got pounded). The temps this year have been approximately like last year, not a particularly warm winter.
Winter? When exactly is that supposed to start? I'm still waiting for it.
That's how I feel... although I'm ok with skipping it this year (selfishly speaking).
we had our first overnight with lows in the single digits last weekend, and got an inch or two of snow sunday night, although that should all be gone today and we'll be in the mid 50's for the weekend!
This is the first year in the past 16 years that our skiplane flying gig @ CAD, was done
on wheels.
Do you want the report on the time spent in Oregon or the Arizona?:wink2:
I've walked 6 miles a day 5 days a week for the whole winter. I only walked two or three days in below freezing weather. I walked through snow once or twice. This has been a freakishly mid winter.

Mildness of temperatures has naught to do with flying activity, which depends on clear skies. Higher than usual temperatures usually bring more cloud cover, as it only clears when the mercury drops.
Very cold, windy, highlighted by quite a bit of snow. Panhandle of TX here.
Winter? What winter? Last night I stood outside to let the dog do her stuff and walked around the yard before I realized I was in my unmentionables.

I'm still waiting for something greater than "measurable rain" to happen. I miss the entertainment that'd come with STORM WATCH 2012! No econo cars failing to cross 4" of water, no hapless reporter panning up to the streetlight to prove it's raining, no interviews with out of state drivers puzzled about police escorts or closing roads due to 4"+ of snow fall.
Warmer than normal here. But I was in Barcelona this weekend - it was colder than normal (low-mid 40's) and the folks that live there were bundled up. You could tell who was visiting from northern Europe - they were the ones that were wearing much lighter clothing (I expected to see t-shirts :rolleyes: ).
It's normal winter here today, drizzling rain at 47 degrees all day.
ceiling at 2500' viz at 4 miles.

It's VFR ;)
according to my electric company, the last 30 days average daily tempurature was 33°F vs. 21°F for the same period last year.

12°F warmer this year over last.
Was 1F this weekend and windy.

Here's my yard.


I'm a card carrying member

Looks like most of us escaped winter but for Rusty!

I can't complain but I wonder how dry it's going to be this year. I also hope we don't get an early summer like we did in 2010. We went from several feet of snow to 90+ degree days within not even 6 weeks. Maybe a month.
Winter has been very mild here also. We are sitting at a season to date snow total of only 127". Just for comparison, last season we got over 450", and average is in the mid to high 300" range. The ski resort overspent their snowmaking budget this year, but manmade snow was the only reason they were able to be open for Dec and most of Jan.
Winter has been very mild here also. We are sitting at a season to date snow total of only 127". Just for comparison, last season we got over 450", and average is in the mid to high 300" range. The ski resort overspent their snowmaking budget this year, but manmade snow was the only reason they were able to be open for Dec and most of Jan.
The snow came to the Front Range this year instead of the mountains.
The snow came to the Front Range this year instead of the mountains.

Only one big dump really. It was dryer than a bone until the recent 20" that busted into the top-ten records for DEN.

We could get another March '03 style monster this year though. La Niña or El Niño or whatever is in that same cycle again this year.

March '03 ripped a 43' x 13' back porch awning off my house after overloading it for days with no safe way to clear it off.

That was loud. Knocked the electric meter clean out of its socket too.
It's been in the high 50's-mid 60's with a few days of low 40's to mid 30's. Couple days of extreme cold with windchills in the teens. Mostly it's been spring since fall.
- Central MD