Finally after 4 years of just on and off single formation flying lessons here and there I have enrolled in a LSA program and a local airfield by me that I used to fly with back when I was taking lessons with the C152. Now I'm flying the new Sport Cruiser, has anyone else here flown one of them? Im used to stick controls because I play so many flight sims with one it just comes naturally to me. That plane flies like a pro. Needs almost no runway to take off, handles extremely well even when its bumpy you can still manage to keep it straight. The cockpit is amazing, its got 2 glass screens which have the attitude indicator, air speed and altitude, and the other has the engine stats, its not a full glass cockpit as you would put it, The GPS is cool also. I'm hoping to get enough money closing out ponds for the winter to buy me a few lessons. I really want to get my certificate. I have 30 hours logged from previous flights. So lets all hope it goes well for me.