Johnson Creek "standardized" Published Approaches Published


Mar 11, 2012
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Idaho has now published a standard approach and departure for Johnson Creek.

If you read thru the document, you might pick up on the hint they really don't want you flying over the Bryant House.

Johnson Creek PDF File

One more place that can be "loved to death"....
Never been there, but what the heck is the "Bryant House"?
If you read the document, they are the people that provided the land for the airport.

I get it - I'll avoid it - But why on earth would you provide land for an airport if you didn't want airplanes flying over your house? :dunno:

Man, I'd live there in a heartbeat.
Never been there, but what the heck is the "Bryant House"?

They own the house that sits at the south end of the runway, on a little hill. I think there have been a couple of accidents of guys taking off to the south, and failing to clear the hill, and damn near hitting the house.

Since, way back when, the Bryant family provided the land for the airport, they have some sort of voice on "suggested" operations. The bridge across the creek to the airport is shared by them, so it may be something where the Bryant's provide the easement to the airport, via the bridge, or, they actually somehow still lease the land to the State of Idaho for the airport.

One of the pages in the linked PDF shows a plane taking off to the South and a picture of the house looming.

As proven last summer, the most dangerous thing about Johnson Creek is the other pilots in the air.

The house is at the top tail of the number "5" at the end of Runway 35.
I get it - I'll avoid it - But why on earth would you provide land for an airport if you didn't want airplanes flying over your house? :dunno:

Man, I'd live there in a heartbeat.

That airport has been there "forever" as to the best of my knowledge, so, I am guessing when they first made it available it was to allow a flat spot for the mail plane to bring the mail into Yellow Pine during the Winter. What was likely 1-2 planes a week/month has now became 100's on certain weekends in the summer with all the fly-ins that get scheduled there.