Joe Engle

Dang. I was just reading about the M2-F3 (and its predecessor, the M2-F1, which Engle flew). RIP.
I met him once. He was a guest lecturer at my engineering school one day.

I never really thought about it until he mentioned it: The space shuttle has a pitch location that's well out in front, I can't remember how far he said it is, but it's way out there. So if you pitch nose up, you sink quite a bit while all that happens. He said it can make for an exciting final approach.
Nice tribute by the EAA - I agree that Engle's comment about the orbiter manual entry may be the coolest thing I've ever heard. "Below Mach 16 it's a pussycat" :oops:

The Engle exhibit in the EAA museum is awesome. Looking forward to spending another hour or so in it again in a couple weeks.