Jet Lagged: I am so hosed!!


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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Last night I got home from dinner at 10pm and did not fall asleep until 4 am. By Wednesday afternoon (remember I am in Asia so it is already Thursday for me) I started to fade at about 4pm. So I went up to my room, layed down on the couch to watch a little TV and take a nap. It is now almost 1am Thursday morning and I just woke up. Wide awake and I have the whole night ahead of me. Thursday is going to be a killer day too! Meeting from 8 am to 10pm. Biz trips are not always fun! Gonna be a caffeine heavy day for me. On Friday i am to be up at Oh-dark-thirty to catch the jet boat to Hong Kong and then onto my 15 hour flight home. I wanna see Nick do this and then with a straight face tell me again how great business travel is.
Nick doesn't have a clue. I got back from Milan about midnight last Friday night. Slept like a log. Could NOT get to sleep Saturday night. Finally, some time around 4:30 AM. Had to get up about 8:30 to get ready for church. It's now Wednesday and I think I've pretty well recovered. Those aluminum mailing tubes are highly overrated.
Ghery I am at the Venetian in Macau and will be back later in September. This seems to be the hot place to hold standards meetings right now. I hope you get a chance to be here as the hotel and facility is really nice. Huge! but nice. Lots of places to eat, shopping, good meeting facilities and the Internet works. A little off of the beaten path but nice. Way better than some of the s-holes that I have to endure in Shenzhen and Guangzhou.

BTW the room kick butt! Free Wireless in room, each room is suite with a huge bathroom. The living rooms have desks, work tables, two TVs, and they are quiet!
Scott, you are a better man than I.

I couldn't stand doing that much airliner flying even if it was the pre-911 days (in which, BTW, I did fly constantly.) How do you keep your sanity on the long flights?
Haha, guys. Remember all the money you're making, remember the fact that you're basically on a free trip away from famililal responsibilities...

Actually, I don't think I ever came in here and publicly stated it, but towards the end of the 3 weeks up in Colorado, I was ready to come home. I was cranky, I was irritated, I missed Piper, and I just wanted to be back in my own bed. My trip was truly unique, because I was up there, being respected by everyone that met me, which is a very unique feeling. I was being paid to teach, which I want to do. It was just great on so many levels (not to mention the hedonistic pleasures that go along with business trips....great for single men, that's for damn sure).

While I'd do it again, I'd be a lot more hesitant to come out publicly and say that y'all whine too much. I may not fully understand the pain y'all go through, but I understand a part of it, and I know, it sucks.
you're basically on a free trip away from famililal responsibilities...

Actually, I don't think I ever came in here and publicly stated it, but towards the end of the 3 weeks up in Colorado, I was ready to come home. I was cranky, I was irritated, I missed Piper, and I just wanted to be back in my own bed.
That is how I feel. Remember I am on the road 1 to 2 weeks a month. Getting to spend home time, in fact jsut having a free weekend is rare.

While I'd do it again, I'd be a lot more hesitant to come out publicly and say that y'all whine too much. I may not fully understand the pain y'all go through, but I understand a part of it, and I know, it sucks.
There ya go. Business travel is really only truly a blessing to those that have not dine it. It is not vacation. I do have a boondoggle trip later this year. It will be the first in about 5 years though, they are few and far between.
you're basically on a free trip away from famililal responsibilities...
LOL. I have figured out that there are two sides to the "responsibilities at home" coin. The guys I travel with who have families think it's easier for me because I'm single. Nobody calls me with the latest crisis at home or gets upset if the trip extends. On the other hand, when I am gone for awhile I need to arrange for someone to feed the cats and take in my mail. There's nobody there to do it otherwise. Nothing at my house gets done without me, no laundry, no yardwork, no one to take out the trash, deal with the mail, etc. I've been gone for two and a half weeks and I wonder what the house is going to look like in a couple days when I get back. :dunno:
LOL. I have figured out that there are two sides to the "responsibilities at home" coin. The guys I travel with who have families think it's easier for me because I'm single. Nobody calls me with the latest crisis at home or gets upset if the trip extends. On the other hand, when I am gone for awhile I need to arrange for someone to feed the cats and take in my mail. There's nobody there to do it otherwise. Nothing at my house gets done without me, no laundry, no yardwork, no one to take out the trash, deal with the mail, etc. I've been gone for two and a half weeks and I wonder what the house is going to look like in a couple days when I get back. :dunno:
being single or married has its advantages and disadvantages. I don't think one is better than the other when it comes to travel. The best I had it was when I just had a roommate. Then I knew he would take care of the cat and the house so all I needed was to handle the bill issue.
20 hours in London coming up soon. The flights will take longer than the stay.

I met a guy on one flight that was doing less than that in Tokyo. Guess it's easier if you don't reset the body clock.
20 hours in London coming up soon. The flights will take longer than the stay.

I met a guy on one flight that was doing less than that in Tokyo. Guess it's easier if you don't reset the body clock.
I had to drop off a package in Singapore once. Arrived at 11pm, handed the box over to a guy who met me and caught the 8am flight home. 9 hours on the ground, 48 flying.

Best weird trip I ever did was a meeting in Osaka Japan one week with another in Seoul Korea the next. On Friday I left Japan to go to a family gathering in Chicago and then returned to Korea on Sunday.
Wow, that's brutal... and here I was bitching about a 4-day trip to LA, working nights there...then back to a day schedule for one day in NY, then an overnight shift...rough, but nothing compared to going to the other side of the globe and back.
But really, what day is it again? :dunno:
I think the worst is the 10 days in a +10 or greater timezone trip. Fly over, and you adjust in a day. Fly back, and you take two weeks to catch back up. My RTW (now in August, grrr, no AA double for me) will be followed almost IMMEDIATELY by a trip to Paris for my wedding anniversary. I'm gonna be a wreck.


I think the worst is the 10 days in a +10 or greater timezone trip. Fly over, and you adjust in a day. Fly back, and you take two weeks to catch back up. My RTW (now in August, grrr, no AA double for me) will be followed almost IMMEDIATELY by a trip to Paris for my wedding anniversary. I'm gonna be a wreck.


Those are killer.

I am almost at the halfway point of getting over jet lag. Week before last I was in Greece, so I was jet lagged all week, then back to the US and was just getting back to normal when I headed off to China. Now I am jet lagged this week and will head home on Friday for the states. Hopefully by Wednesday or Thursday next week I will be sleeping ok again.

All I have to say is thank goodness for the Internet. I remember the old days when I would just watch CNN International all night long. You cannot really read as you are so tired nothing makes a whole lot of sense, too short an attention span. At least with the Internet I can go watch youtube video for a while to break up the monotony.
At least with the Internet I can go watch youtube video for a while to break up the monotony.

Or log onto PoA. :D Heck, I did that over the middle of the Pacific on a Singapore Airlines flight a couple years ago when the Boeing Connections (sp?) system was still available. Damn, this board is addicting.

Oh, and no familial responcibilities when on the road? Nick, you're dreaming. Year and a half ago I was in Taiwan for a week and a half. On the English language news were stories about storms in the Pacific Northwest. Caught heck from my wife when I got home as she had been without power for 4 days due to those storms. Checked into my hotel in Paris the next month, got my laptop up and running and the first e-mail from home started out, "You are dead meat!". Seems another storm came up while I was on my way to Paris and blew some shingles off the roof, creating a leak. Never when I'm home, just when I'm a long way away. Yeah, business travel is a great way to get away from it all. Sure it is. Just keep telling yourself that. Oh, and doesn't your own bed feel wonderful when you get home? YES!
Or log onto PoA. :D Heck, I did that over the middle of the Pacific on a Singapore Airlines flight a couple years ago when the Boeing Connections (sp?) system was still available. Damn, this board is addicting.

Oh, and no familial responcibilities when on the road? Nick, you're dreaming. Year and a half ago I was in Taiwan for a week and a half. On the English language news were stories about storms in the Pacific Northwest. Caught heck from my wife when I got home as she had been without power for 4 days due to those storms. Checked into my hotel in Paris the next month, got my laptop up and running and the first e-mail from home started out, "You are dead meat!". Seems another storm came up while I was on my way to Paris and blew some shingles off the roof, creating a leak. Never when I'm home, just when I'm a long way away. Yeah, business travel is a great way to get away from it all. Sure it is. Just keep telling yourself that. Oh, and doesn't your own bed feel wonderful when you get home? YES!

About a month after we moved to Ohio I had to leave on a last minute emergency trip to London.

I went down to the gym at 0500 local, worked out, hit the sauna for 15 minutes, came back to my room, showered, and got out -- all in all, about 1.5 hours -- and my BlackBerry indicated 18 missed calls. WTF?!

It was my wife. I had bought a "SAME"-enable weather radio that went off with a Tornado Warning for the next county to the north and my wife was having a total panic attack. I called and she was in tears, "Where have you been!?!? We are having a terrible thunderstorm and the weather radio said a tornado was coming!!!" My response of "In the gym working out" did not go over so well :no:

The poop always goes radial when I'm not in town. Just figures...

And Ghery, I couldn't agree more about my own bed. I don't care how many levels of Platinum I am with whatever hotel, or how many dollars per night it costs: my bed, my sheets, my blanket, my pillow, my wife... can't replicate those anywhere but HOME.


It feels mostly crowded. Darn cats take up all the room!

That just takes 1 cat in our house. And it's a king size bed. It's truely amazing how much space one determined cat can take up. Fortunately, it's my wife's side, at her feet, that he prefers. :D