Jay can't watch Tron in his suit

Jay would call ahead because he's a polite man and as such gives notice on things that are out of the ordinary, such as the Tron Guy showing up to watch Tron.

The theater's reaction is dumb, though.
Jay would call ahead because he's a polite man and as such gives notice on things that are out of the ordinary, such as the Tron Guy showing up to watch Tron.

The theater's reaction is dumb, though.


Some folks cannot get into the mood...
It's always better to ask forgiveness than permission.

Sadly, that is where society has gotten to today. Had Jay not been polite and just showed up, it probably would've received positive press for the theater.
He should have told them that they were getting a free appearance.

Now tell the theater that he'll show up before the movie .... for a fee of $400.
No kidding -- pay him a few bucks to show up before the movie, make it a big event, great pr opportunity. But, no......
The theatre is probably owned by ABC........:incazzato:

No kidding. My neighbor wanted to buy the original Tron DVD as a gift. We go to Barney Nobles because I expect it's selling really well. Turns out when I checked form my iPhone, it's out of print and it's is going for $94 used. :hairraise: I shouldda knowed better and checked online before making the trip. Old habits die hard.

I suppose the smart guys at the mouse factory put it on a 7 year release schedule like Fantasia and Pinocchio, and they plan to sell mega-uber-special limited-edition-collectors limited-time-only two movie box set for $70 for next year.

Wouldn't ya think that selling a few million more DVDs now at the usual $12-$15 would be OK money too? :dunno:

Look at this. Even the VHS tape is $50 and more:
and they did pre-announce new Blu-Ray versions.
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That's surprising, Mike. I bought a copy of Tron earlier this year for about $5. Good timing, I guess. Brand new in case!
They are obviously not into audience participation a la Rocky Horror Picture Show...
I never did dress up. But, I was certainly into the audience partici...



All due respect to Jay, Tron was one of the worst movies ever made.


I thought the SFX were hokey even then. Now?? Horrible. I'm more impressed with the Cub Scout Rockey Derby stuff in Buck Rogers.
All due respect to Jay, Tron was one of the worst movies ever made.


I thought the SFX were hokey even then. Now?? Horrible. I'm more impressed with the Cub Scout Rockey Derby stuff in Buck Rogers.

I'm going to see it tomorrow with some friends. Regardless of whether or not you think it's a bad movie, Jay ought to be able to see it wearing the Tron suit.
When I was in college, we used to have "Bad Movie Festivals" to raise money for charity. Admission was free, but you had to pay to get out.

Some of the movies were so bad that they were good.

I've seen Battle Beyond the Stars. And it is bad. Dreadful.

I think Jay should be able to wear his suit too. Again, I think the theater lost a great promotional opportunity -- "Watch Tron with the Tron Guy!!!"
First, I liked Revenge of the Fallen. Not Shakespeare, but for something to watch, eat popcorn and drink beer it was fine. I have heard the raven-haired beauty in the first two movies will not be present in the third. Her loss, I doubt she will be noticed missing as I have no doubt they will find a suitably endowed replacement.

Second, Battle Beyond the Stars was truly dreadful in just about every way.

Third, I agree the theater missed a wonderful promotional opportunity in not having Jay appear in costume. I assume the lights in his suit can be deactivated so as not to provide a distraction, and Jay usually seemed gentlemanly enough to deactivate them so as to not cause a nuisance. After all, he called them.

Last, this puts the lie to the commonly stated mantra that I often read here (especially in the SZ) that business people, especially small business people, always know what's best for business.
First, I liked Revenge of the Fallen. Not Shakespeare, but for something to watch, eat popcorn and drink beer it was fine. I have heard the raven-haired beauty in the first two movies will not be present in the third. Her loss, I doubt she will be noticed missing as I have no doubt they will find a suitably endowed replacement.

One of the crew members posted on Fark. Ms. Primadonna trailer trash of freakishly large thumbs drove them nuts with her attitude, demands and not showing up on set. In the meantime, John Tuttoro, an actual professional movie actor was the nicest guy you could ever meet.

What happens with these b*ches like "Gimme More" is the producers talk and decide that they are no way worth it, and they don't get new work. So there's that. I think that 70% of making a living being a movie actor is showing up on time prepared and not giving them a hard time.
There are lots and lots of young ladies with ample suprapecotoral acreage; there is no shortage in Southern California. What there is a lack of are young ladies with poise, professional attitude, charisma and talent. They are rare as can be.
There are lots and lots of young ladies with ample suprapecotoral acreage; there is no shortage in Southern California. What there is a lack of are young ladies with poise, professional attitude, charisma and talent. They are rare as can be.

Oh, I disagree - You just don't see much about them in the tabloids or other news... Professionalism isn't what makes gossip.

However, what *is* rare is "young ladies with poise, professional attitude, charisma and talent" AND "ample suprapecotoral acreage." Some get by on talent and professionalism, and some get by on looks and curves...
Our Jay, the hotelier from Texas? Wow! Who knew.

I've seen the Singa-longa-Sound-of-Music in London, does that count? Never the RHPS though.
Our Jay, the hotelier from Texas? Wow! Who knew.
Wrong Jay. *THAT* one lights up for other reasons.:wink2:

What probably happened at the movie theater was that the person Jay (Maynard) talked to didn't realize who "Tron Guy" was. All the person heard was some guy offering to come by in a (homemade) Tron suit and they figured he'd be a distraction...

Ron Wanttaja
Remember he's on South Park too.

It takes all kinds to make a world as my mom used to say. :D
Caught him on TMZ the other night. They did a short segment on him.
Last, this puts the lie to the commonly stated mantra that I often read here (especially in the SZ) that business people, especially small business people, always know what's best for business.

Small businesses fail at a spectacular rate - but marginal small business owners are usually better than typical government bureaucrats.