

Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Apr 1, 2007
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Display name:
Richard Palm
Why do many user names start with a lower case "i" here?
As the "seconder" I think I should get credit for starting the phenomenon. If not for me, there'd just be some crazy dude with a piece of poop for an avatar.


Whatever Coattails!

That's your new name, BTW. :D
Nah, I don't even have the "i" in my name anymore...well...I do kinda, but it's upside down, and at the end.
What I see in those 2007 threads is not so much fanboys as iHaters. Some really good crystal balls you guys had on you back then, eh? Too funny. I wonder how often Balmer get's that video link mailed back to him? :cheerswine:
Hmmm..... I always wondered about that myself.
What I see in those 2007 threads is not so much fanboys as iHaters. Some really good crystal balls you guys had on you back then, eh? Too funny. I wonder how often Balmer get's that video link mailed back to him? :cheerswine:

Apple was selling at ~$108 when that thread was started :ihih: