It was due...


Tied Down
Nov 8, 2009
Denver, CO
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Been cleaning up or replacing neglected machines at the workplace since last year...

This one I couldn't get a maintenance window for a reboot for... well, see photo... :)

(The number is a number of years before I came to the company...)



By the way, it's been running fine. I had to take it down to get a real backup of it... Had backups but wanted an image of a quiet filesystem!
I think the highest I have anywhere is around 970 days right now. Which is kind of weird if I think back to all that has changed in my life in the last 970 days.
Heh... I hear that!

I've got one left that's higher... I'm trying to kill it. LOL...
You realize, Nate, that this machine is now going to give you nothing but trouble from here on out! :)
You realize, Nate, that this machine is now going to give you nothing but trouble from here on out! :)

Probably. Ha. Thus, the image! :)

Here's the funny and/or sad part. None of the current admins knew there was 127GB of extra disk space in the RAID controller set up as a second partition that wasn't mounted. And my co-worker has spent literally years struggling with disk space on the stupid thing. Scripts to compress, move, archive.... Hahahahaha.

His joke this morning when I told him what I found was...

"I think we should use it all for swap space." :)
(knocking on wood) I have a small server that only has been shut off for UPS changes. It's a powermac 7200/90.

(knocking on wood).