My wife's nephew has a four year old BRAT, pure and simple.
We can't go out to eat with them anymore because the last time the kid grabbed a bowl of guacamole and threw it across the restaurant hitting a table of four people. He was barely at the table long enough to do this because he was running through the restaurant screaming most of the time. I asked them why they allowed this and they said, "if we make him sit he just pees his pants repeatedly until we leave".
They are well educated progressive parents that think I am a neanderthal. They use time out, removal of toys, etc. as "discipline". They also reason with the kid A LOT. Reasoning however seems to involve a lot of bargaining, "If you sit down for the next five minutes, I will get you a large ice cream".
They also believe that a kid is born with the innate sense of what is best for them. I asked about the kids diet, gold fish, candy, soda, etc. Oh, he ate a bowl of queso, so he can have dessert now. He knows what he likes and we don't try to change it.
If I did something wrong, I was told don't do that again or else. If I did I got spanked right then and there. In the old days the super markets had benches on the ends of the aisles. My mother would drag me to the housewares, pick out a large wooden spoon, drag me to one of the benches, and spank me in front of everyone. Once she broke the spoon and had to buy it. Only took that spoon breaking incident to make me the perfect little gentleman in the store from that point on.
I also remember eating what was put on my plate without any bargaining or even being asked if that's what I wanted to eat. I ate a lot of balanced meals that way.
I never felt like I was abused or the victim of violence AND I know the other people around me appreciated not having to listen to an out of control kid.