Is this plane still worth looking at?

Rebel Lord

Line Up and Wait
Nov 21, 2015
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Rebel Lord
So after I got over my infatuation with this plane becuase of the new leather and fancy gns 650
I started emailing the owner and looking at the log books. The owner said it flys all the time.
Its a 1969 cherokee 180 for 58,000. I noticed in the look book the last annual was august last year, and it had 2309 TT, the current hours is 2310, thats hardly "Flying all the time." Also all the new leather and avionics were put in all in the last 6 months. Is this someone trying to but lipstick on pig?
2309 is the total time. maybe 200 of those hours were since last OH, so that would be 'flying all the time'. we need more info than what you've given us.
2309 is the total time. maybe 200 of those hours were since last OH, so that would be 'flying all the time'. we need more info than what you've given us.
Sometimes ads don't get updated with the current hours. Just ask him straight up what current time is.
He may just be quoting the hours from the last annual, and not the completely current hours...some guys do this to "avoid doing the math" and getting the exact hours, because their tach time vs hobbs time vs TTAF vs SMOH takes a little math.
I had this worry with my Mooney. Hadn't flown any more than 10 hours a year in the last six, and not a single squawk in the maintenance logs. That said, the pretty showed an extremely clean aircraft, we really couldn't find anything wrong with it. Definitely get a good prebuy just like the fellas said.
My C-182 had flown an average of about 20 hours a year pretty much it's entire 53 year life. Not much flying. It was about 600 SMOH but hadn't had an overhaul in 22 years. Some here urged me to run away. I didn't. I've had zero issues with the engine. Only one issue of any kind so far. Cowl flap broke a few weeks ago. That's it.

I know that has nothing to do with the particular Cherokee you're looking at, but don't count it out because it hasn't flown much.

Having said that, 58K sounds steep for a 180. That's Cherokee 235 money if you ask me. A really nice Cherokee 235.