Rebel Lord
Line Up and Wait
So after I got over my infatuation with this plane becuase of the new leather and fancy gns 650
I started emailing the owner and looking at the log books. The owner said it flys all the time.
Its a 1969 cherokee 180 for 58,000. I noticed in the look book the last annual was august last year, and it had 2309 TT, the current hours is 2310, thats hardly "Flying all the time." Also all the new leather and avionics were put in all in the last 6 months. Is this someone trying to but lipstick on pig?
I started emailing the owner and looking at the log books. The owner said it flys all the time.
Its a 1969 cherokee 180 for 58,000. I noticed in the look book the last annual was august last year, and it had 2309 TT, the current hours is 2310, thats hardly "Flying all the time." Also all the new leather and avionics were put in all in the last 6 months. Is this someone trying to but lipstick on pig?