After you left this year all of August so far sat at 50% humidity and higher, which you know for is dry arid plainsfolk is insanity. So we ran ours the whole month so far.
Well, I set it to come on in the evening and bring the house back down from the 78 "away" mode to something reasonable and then told the system it could cool up to 3 more degrees to dehumidify down to 45% RH.
This year was the first year out of four here with the new furnace and A/C setup that I ever saw "Dehumidifying..." show up on the touchpad t-stat. I had to go get the manual and see what it was doing and where to set the RH%. Ha.
Electric bill on the co-op was $140 for that. Jul 16-Aug 15. Always the highest bill of the year.
For Spike:
0.123 / KWH. Double your rate.
But as
@Everskyward knows (I think you were on the Co-op but maybe you were over the line into Xcel territory?) that includes a maintenance fee and members get a check back every January when maintenance costs are low. Usually about the price of the highest month of the year is how it works out for us. So it'll probably be about $140 because Aug will be the top. So it's about 10% back per year. So call it .11 / KWH most years. Some years they have a lot of system damage from storms and repairs eat up the rebate. Years right after a lot of maintenance the rebate is higher.
It has cooled off at night now again. A/C compressor hasn't run at night in a week. Still fairly humid but not like a couple of weeks ago.
And of course we're on propane for the furnace, hot water, and cooking, which is sitting at around $1.79/gal. Usually a little under 1000 gallons per year. Can put a huge dent in that with the pellet stove in bad propane price years at a cost lower than propane, but not the last two years. The stove sat idle other than nights we just wanted to be toasty by the fire in the basement.
Been thinking about buying my own 1000 gal tank so I can shop (the current one is leased and 500 gal) a little on price as there's plenty of competitors out here, and many do a deal on first tank full with a requirement to buy a second tank that works out nicely at 1000 gallons to about $1.50/gal or slightly less. (Really they'd fill to a little over 800. And 500 gallon tanks are filled to a bit over 400. Out guy comes quarterly and usually drops 250 in until end of summer when we "catch up" a bit.) But at a savings of only $250/year, the tank purchase is about a ten year payoff. Not sure I care that much.