Is it safe to fly on a Boeing 737-Max?

Boeing deserves all of the bad publicity they're getting over all of the things they've done wrong in the past who knows how many years.

That said, I'll be flying in a SW 737 max this weekend, and I'm not worried about it at all.

You have a much higher danger from the food at the airport, or the drive to and from the airport.
The max are safe. Ish. Much safer than driving, considerably less safe than their european counterparts. Thankfully excellent training has prevented catastrophe in the US. Airbus have learned from their past mistakes and improved, but Boeing seems content on doubling down.
Since the Alaska Airlines plug blow-out the Max is probably the most inspected, scrutinized jet in airline history. I fly on them regularly.
There's nothing wrong with the Max8 or the quality of Boeing airplanes. If there is any concern, it's about how the apparent quality of mechanics seems to have gone down.

Stop listening to the fear on the news or social media. It's there to make you come back to them to keep tabs on it.
Stop listening to the fear on the news or social media. It's there to make you come back to them to keep tabs on it.

For a long time we haven't had news outlets, we've had media business (regardless of which way they lean) parading as news providers. They are in business to make money and the ratings determine who makes the most $$$$ ... and that requires that we continue to "tune in again to the same bat (crazy) time and the same bat (crazy) channel!
Nope.....The 737 Max8 is a TERRIBLE airplane design. It was designed by accountants in Chicago instead of engineers at Seattle.

Those accountants listened to the airlines who were too cheap to buy new type ratings for an airplane that was COMPLETELY different from a 737-200.

So they applied band-aid on top of band-aid to make it fly the same, rather than a NEW airplane which would be MUCH BETTER.

It is like the airlines requiring the Boeing 707 use the same type rating as a DC-7.

Can you imagine what a great airplane the MAX COULD have been?

This is just the beginning of the problems this backward thinking will cause.

There will be more to come.....mark my words!!

Is it safe to fly on a Boeing 737-Max?​

I'd be very grateful for any wisdom!

It's much safer to fly in it. Warmer and quieter, too.
Plus, US pilots are (overall) better trained and more capable to deal with emergencies than the countries that had experienced 737 MAX mishaps. Doesn't excuse Boeing's approach to the problem, but US crews will increase the safety of that flight. In other countries, I'd be (slightly) nervous flying even if the plane had a perfect safety record here in the US, due to the less than stellar pilot training and maintenance.
Yep, the guys at Boeing were geniuses. Giving the airlines exactly what they asked for, just like good boys do. Continuing the tradition of following rather than leading, and making sure to never plan more than 6 months ahead. What to do except to let our customers lead us down that path? Because the best choice is always to blame everyone else for your own problems...and those pilots should have anticipated what we did to those planes without documenting it. All in all, though, what are a few hundred lives and 20 or 30 trillion dollars compared to the outstanding benefit of trying to improve the fuel economy of a 57 year old airplane. We should be celebrating the courage it took to not only make those short sighted decisions, but to try so very hard to cover them up, too.

All hail the rallying cry of the coward, "but really, we had no choice, so it's not our fault it's someone else's fault". Yep. Participation trophy for all, they're all winners.

And sarcasm off, there really isn't any danger of flying on a max vs anything else in the US, simply and only because Boeing didn't screw it up enough that a US or other experienced pilot can't fly it anyway.