Is everyone accounted for (Make it back home)


Line Up and Wait
Jan 15, 2007
Grantsburg WI
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Daniel Michaels
I went out to check the wood stove last night at 12:05 and after 2 weeks of overcast snowy weather it was so clear out and stars shining so bright I was tempted to beat everyone for the first flight of the year. Temps in the single dig changed my mind. Oh well it is the thought that counts right!:)
Well Dan i was tempted too, biggest problem is my plane is in for annual. But anyway HAPPY NEW YEARS
Dave G.
Well, we got nailed with about 14" of snow in the last couple days. It stopped yesterday afternoon but it's snowing now -- as predicted -- so, no flying this weekend. Other than plowing, the current problem is "The path is blocked; who's going to feed the chickens?(photo from my kitchen window)

(Truthfully, there are no chickens in it. However, someone at some point-in-time did keep some chickens in the fenced area next to the little building before this house was built[1997]. The other mystery: why would chickens need the now-stripped electrical meter box and telephone connection box, or the refrigerator and small wood-burning stove on the inside. The neighbors are all too recent to know the answers, but I'm researching.)


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We got a foot of snow. Since Chicago didn't get that much it's not news.

I made my invention for the day. My satellite dish went out out because it was full of snow. The roof is too high from the deck to reach with a single broom or shovel. I was thinking I'd have to buy a roof rake with a 30 foot handle. Then I got the bright idea to put two garden rake handles together with tape. IT WORKED, even though I only found masking tape.
We got a foot of snow. Since Chicago didn't get that much it's not news.

I made my invention for the day. My satellite dish went out out because it was full of snow. The roof is too high from the deck to reach with a single broom or shovel. I was thinking I'd have to buy a roof rake with a 30 foot handle. Then I got the bright idea to put two garden rake handles together with tape. IT WORKED, even though I only found masking tape.

Mike, plan ahead for next year! Route the electrical cable under the eaves, into your attic, and just go up there and plug it in when/as needed to melt the snow! (you can accomplish this for less than the advertised product using Heat Tape from Home Depot--look in the plumbing section).
We just got back from Colorado late last night, after being snowed in at Winter Park. Got up this morning, and the furnace was working just fine. However, I noticed at ten, that the house was getting cold, so went to turn up the heat. Well, the furnace isn't working. Nine degrees was the high today. I've been sitting here racking up the post count, and throwing logs on the wood stove all day long. Hope they can come fix the furnace tomorrow. In the mean time, I've got her at a nice comfortable 78 degrees here in the family room. I think it is about fifty degrees in the bedrooms upstairs.
Mike, plan ahead for next year! Route the electrical cable under the eaves, into your attic, and just go up there and plug it in when/as needed to melt the snow! (you can accomplish this for less than the advertised product using Heat Tape from Home Depot--look in the plumbing section).

Thanks, Troy. I won't need a better solution. By next winter I'll have dumped DirecTV for AT&T Uverse and an outdoor antenna.

After over 10 years with D*, I've had so much trouble in the new house I can't wait to dump them. I've had a lot of rain fade and still have a lousy signal after 5 visits and a $70 bill.

If I'm going to give up DTivo I might as well go with a Uverse DVR.

I DO however, need to work on my outdoor sump pump. I think I'll be adding some heat tape and re-engineering when the weather warms a little, and a 12 volt backup pump this Spring. I'm going to out the 12 volt system together myself.
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We just got home. Decided to drive to Rolla instead of fly. Too cold to start the Skyhawk without a preheater. Besides, we woke up to blowing snow at Rolla this morning.
We got a foot of snow. Since Chicago didn't get that much it's not news.

I made my invention for the day. My satellite dish went out out because it was full of snow. The roof is too high from the deck to reach with a single broom or shovel. I was thinking I'd have to buy a roof rake with a 30 foot handle. Then I got the bright idea to put two garden rake handles together with tape. IT WORKED, even though I only found masking tape.

I got home from Florida and we barely could get into the driveway. I pulled up and hiked my way inside, put on the boots, grabbed my hat and went out to the snow blower. AHHHhhh!!! That big ole Toro made quick work of the almost 10 inches of snow I had in the drive.
Drove over to Pullman to visit my parents on the 27th. Came back Sunday. Neither day was suitable for IFR, never mind VFR, flights. The Jeep Commander handled the road conditions just fine.

1.7 hours dual with my CFII today. A great way to start the year.

Happy New Year all!
Had to drive to N. Indiana due to wx. Did get a few days of visiting with my brother, sister in law and 4 year old niece.
We even drove into Chicago Wednesday night to watch my beloved Predators get beat by the Black Hawks. :no:
Drove from Denver to Custer, SD and back over the weekend to pick up my annual buffalo (only a half this year, as the freezer was already half full with elk and venison).

Blowing snow between Cheyenne and Torrington (ya think? blowing like only Wyoming can blow!) and US-85 was a whiteout from 0' to 2' AGL, which was a really good thing, because then you couldn't see the glare ice on the road. Stopped to pull out another pickup from the ditch south of Torrington on Sunday and nearly froze to death in the 2 minutes it took to pull on the insulated coveralls and boots.
Got back from New Orleans a couple of hours ago. Freezing temps and 20 gusting to 30 winds for the departure. And get this; the altimeter setting was 30.74!
Had to fly a 30 degree correction angle at 9000' and had about a 25 kt headwind component.
Landed back home in very gusty, turbulent conditions.
Now back to work...sigh.
Got back from New Orleans a couple of hours ago. Freezing temps and 20 gusting to 30 winds for the departure. And get this; the altimeter setting was 30.74!
Had to fly a 30 degree correction angle at 9000' and had about a 25 kt headwind component.
Landed back home in very gusty, turbulent conditions.
Now back to work...sigh.

Lance what did OK look like. I have to get back down there soon and work on the house. Snow or no snow? Up by Alva

Lance what did OK look like. I have to get back down there soon and work on the house. Snow or no snow? Up by Alva

I wasn't anywhere near OK. I'm the Lance from Atlanta :yes: with only one engine.