Is AHRS worth an additional $260?

Which Dual is more “worth the price”?

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Alex Batista

Pre-takeoff checklist
Nov 20, 2018
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So I was researching portable Dual GPS’ with ADS-B and it seems like the ONLY difference between the Dual XGPS170D and the Dual XGPS190 is that the 190 has AHRS. The 170D can be found for $419 and the 190 for $679. My question is; is the AHRS capability worth the extra $260?

I should mention that I am a VFR pilot and my XC are typically under 800nm and under 9,000ft. I also use FltPlanGo and fly “on a budget”
My VFR airplane has no redundancy for failing gyros. So I purchased a Foreflight Sentry with AHRS as a cheap insurance in case that ever happens.

And even though I am a VFR pilot, I once was almost caught in IMC once. Clouds were boxing me in after I had to divert because of ground fog over my path and I barely made it to my alternate before the weather turned to hard IMC. I would not want to be flying without AHRS as a safety now.
So I was researching portable Dual GPS’ with ADS-B and it seems like the ONLY difference between the Dual XGPS170D and the Dual XGPS190 is that the 190 has AHRS. The 170D can be found for $419 and the 190 for $679. My question is; is the AHRS capability worth the extra $260?

I should mention that I am a VFR pilot and my XC are typically under 800nm and under 9,000ft. I also use FltPlanGo and fly “on a budget”
What are you flying, and how is it equipped?
You could build a Stratux w/ dual band adsb in, gps, and ahrs for about $150, even if you're not a computer or electronics geek. Takes about 10 or 15 minutes to put the parts together, no soldering, and it works great. Been flying with that and FltPlan Go, and it works great.
So I was researching portable Dual GPS’ with ADS-B and it seems like the ONLY difference between the Dual XGPS170D and the Dual XGPS190 is that the 190 has AHRS. The 170D can be found for $419 and the 190 for $679. My question is; is the AHRS capability worth the extra $260?


While it honestly may be a thing you never use, for $260, yes it is. Lets be honest here, 260 isnt cheap but for aviation it is nothing, and it is something you may want one day, especially if you puruse an instrument rating (which i would always recommend).
An I pad and forefloght.
Given that you're talking about spending at least $419, just get a phone or a tablet that has a built in GPS to begin with.
The two units in question are for ADS-B In.
Stratux and a cheap BT GPS puck for back up if you have no panel GPS (I have not found my Stratux to be very dependable). And yes, I think the AHRS is worth the extra money.
The two units in question are for ADS-B In.
Thanks for the correction. I still think they're still overpriced, along with the Sentry. I'm skeptical of the safety benefit provided by a portable AHRS; the IMUs are just not very good to begin with, especially since they're usually not isolated well.

I started with a single band stratux ($50?) weather receiver and found it to be a great value, but these days I prefer the packaging of the Scout.
I'm skeptical of the safety benefit provided by a portable AHRS; the IMUs are just not very good to begin with, especially since they're usually not isolated well.
I'm very much in agreement with you there. Plus, a portable unit might get jostled after it's been initialized thus spoiling the accuracy. I'm of the mind that no AHRS is better than untrustworthy AHRS.
You could build a Stratux w/ dual band adsb in, gps, and ahrs for about $150, even if you're not a computer or electronics geek. Takes about 10 or 15 minutes to put the parts together, no soldering, and it works great. Been flying with that and FltPlan Go, and it works great.

Stratux and Foreflight here.
I'm very much in agreement with you there. Plus, a portable unit might get jostled after it's been initialized thus spoiling the accuracy. I'm of the mind that no AHRS is better than untrustworthy AHRS.

Jostled? You know that your entire instrument panel is mounted on vibration isolators, right? What’s going on inside your airplane where important things get jostled? Mount it properly, strap/Velcro it down, up, to the side, wherever, and tell everyone to sit down in the cabin and stop jostling things.*

* (Unless her name is Jocelyn. Then you should let her jostle whatever she wants. It’s her right.)
I should mention that I am a VFR pilot and my XC are typically under 800nm and under 9,000ft. ... My question is; is the AHRS capability worth the extra $260?


As a non-instrument rated pilot, AHRS redundancy should be right at the bottom (or below) of things to waste brain cells on. Devote them instead to learning more about weather, and further reducing the chance that you'll ever need even the primary AHRS capability in your airplane.
The main benefit from ahrs is a better view of obstacles and terrain. On a hazy day, or when flying into the sun, it is difficult to see 2200 ft tv towers that are near our airport. Plus there are towers on small mountains south of our field as well. I always stay clear of all of them but it is nice to see them also depicted on the synthetic vision view. There is no substitute for knowledge when it comes to weather, and I am not suggesting to use ahrs to depart or land below minimums, but if I lost my attitude indicator or had a vacuum failure, you better believe I would use it !

AHRS ain't gonna help with obstacles or terrain, unless you're about to run into terrain and using the AHRS as a video game display. And as for them there towers and mountains around your airport, I feel quite certain that they aren't moving around much, so once you know where they are you should just avoid them. It's not like you have to find them each time you take off, right? The mountains are in the same spot, towers on the same peaks, etc? If not, then AHRS still won't help.
While it honestly may be a thing you never use, for $260, yes it is. Lets be honest here, 260 isnt cheap but for aviation it is nothing, and it is something you may want one day, especially if you puruse an instrument rating (which i would always recommend).

I always waste $260 for things I never use as long as it is aviation related.
For less than that $260 difference you can just buy a pre-assembled Stratux with AHRS. I have been using mine for a year with no problems.
What are you flying, and how is it equipped?

I’m flying a rental PA28-161 (Cherokee Warrior) with an old garmin GPS. (N1970H). I use FltPlanGo on my iPad as a navigation aid. I am not IFR rated.
Like someone said, $260 isn’t a lot of money in the avionics world. If you fly IFR, it is possible that there could be an intense period of time when you wish you could pay ten times that. It is conceivable that moment could even come VFR. Hopefully that moment never happens for you.
For less than that $260 difference you can just buy a pre-assembled Stratux with AHRS. I have been using mine for a year with no problems.
I bought a pre-built one because my new plane didn't have ADS-B and I never want to fly without at least ADS-B in here in Los Angeles. Just upgraded my panel w/ dual AHRS and ADS-B, PM me if you'd like to buy the Stratux for whatever it's worth to you. Used 3 months, works perfectly.
I was talking about the ahrs chip which is optional in Stratux. In order to take advantage of the synthetic vision screen in ForeFlight, you have to install the ahrs chip. I was trying to explain the benefits of this feature.

I do know what ahrs means...but why would I not want to see obstacles, terrain, traffic, groundspeed, gps altitude and next waypoint on the same view along with heading and attitude if it is available ?

But the ForeFlight page says “Without an AHRS unit, you will see the Terrain and Obstacles but no attitude (pitch/roll) information.” So it does not seem that AHRS is required for those functions.
all on your iPad in ForeFlight

Will it work with FltPlanGo?
(Because I don’t have my instrument yet and sometimes I go months without flying I haven’t pulled the trigger on a paid subscription :oops:)
Will it work with FltPlanGo?
(Because I don’t have my instrument yet and sometimes I go months without flying I haven’t pulled the trigger on a paid subscription :oops:)

Yes, w/ the caveat that you run FltPlan Go on an iPad. The Android version doesn't support ahrs, despite them stating that they are "working on it" for the last two years or more...sigh,.. I don't do iAnything for a myriad of reasons, but built ahrs capability into my stratux just in case FltPlanGo ever DOES finally incorporate support w/in Android, or I finally give up waiting and start using another product.