
Should've used FedEx!

I've actually sent a letter to the postmaster. By FedEx.

And told him it was because I wanted to be sure it wasn't misdelivered. I enclosed the social security check that was misdelivered to my home even though it was addressed to a home 2 streets over.
why didn't you just walk it over to the house 2 doors over?
I've actually sent a letter to the postmaster. By FedEx.

And told him it was because I wanted to be sure it wasn't misdelivered. I enclosed the social security check that was misdelivered to my home even though it was addressed to a home 2 streets over.

Wouldn't it have been easier to just take it to the home two streets over?
Wouldn't it have been easier to just take it to the home two streets over?

First time, yes.

Second time, maybe.

Third time, no.

And the problem was that massive amounts of mail were misdelivered.

Or do you believe the USPO shouldn't do the job they're paid to do?
First time, yes.

Second time, maybe.

Third time, no.

You sent a letter with misdirected mail to the postmaster by FedEx on three ocassions? Why was it easier by the third time, did FedEx open a new location closer to your home?

And the problem was that massive amounts of mail were misdelivered.

And you took this massive amount of mail, in three trips, to the FedEx office and paid to have it sent to the postmaster?

Or do you believe the USPO shouldn't do the job they're paid to do?

I do. I'd have let the USPO handle it, I wouldn't have involved FedEx.
You sent a letter with misdirected mail to the postmaster by FedEx on three ocassions? Why was it easier by the third time, did FedEx open a new location closer to your home?

And you took this massive amount of mail, in three trips, to the FedEx office and paid to have it sent to the postmaster?

I do. I'd have let the USPO handle it, I wouldn't have involved FedEx.

It only took one trip to the FedEx box in my office building. The first two times, I had the PO handle directly. Third strike, they're out.

Needless to say, I got a very embarrassed call from the postmaster (who was "unavailable" when I tried to call previous times) with his direct phone number.

Problem solved.