For Sale Interesting strategy - Piper Cherokee 180 NOT MINE

He’s just putting in writing what I or a lot of sellers are thinking anyway. The longer the plane is listed, the softer the price. In two weeks I might offer him 50,000, take it leave it. Wouldn’t be surprised if he took it. I know he’s not firm on his price.
He’s just putting in writing what I or a lot of sellers are thinking anyway. The longer the plane is listed, the softer the price. In two weeks I might offer him 50,000, take it leave it. Wouldn’t be surprised if he took it. I know he’s not firm on his price.
Happens in real estate occasionally. Success depends on one interested buyer instead of two. If this doesn’t tell you the market is softening, nothing will.
Sounds like someone that's sold a few cars, boats, or airplanes before. Also sounds like someone that isn't worried about a couple of thousand dollars either way, compared to the hassles of dealing with more random phone calls.
Bank require 7 days before large withdrawal? I've never run into that.
Looks like I'll be interested sometime in April. Too bad craigslist ads only run 30 days.
I like it.
As soon as he has 2 interested parties it should sell (assuming he lets them know there are two), since they will both be sitting around going "**** what if the other guy is willing to buy it a week sooner than me"
It's honesty if he lets his plan go all the way until a buyer appears and actually accepts that reduced amount.

I suspect he'll let it run for 2 or 3 weeks, frown, then try a trade-a-plane listing instead -- at the full asking price.
Honestly, the price seems pretty fair in today's market. I just wouldn't have advertised I'm willing to take less in a few weeks.
Seems to be fairly priced in this market. Rather than having people low ball him with an offer,he’s being pro active.should be interesting to see if he gets multiple offers after a month.