And it was US-flagged, rather than a flag of convenience... the standards tend to be higher with US flags. FT is right.
The idea that the standards are higher for US Flag has become a bit of a fallacy.
I believe that the Jones Act is a necessity if anything from a defense standpoint. But sadly, the Jones Act has created an industry that is a facade. I graduated and got my license from the same school that the Master of El Faro did. I felt that I received an excellent education there and it did a much better job of preparing me for life after college than the liberal arts schools I had attended previously.
But I entered an industry that was a shell of its former self. There was a lot of pride and belief that we needed the Jones Act to protect the fact that our labor was more valuable than foreign crews because we were far more professional and knowledgeable. And while that may have been true at the time, over the years, those foreign crews have actually improved to the point where we (the US Flag) are the substandard ones.
I have a classmate who is a Chesapeake Bay Pilot. They (the Pilots) do not like the US ships. The crews are deficient in their knowledge and heavy on their egos. They much prefer working the foreign ships as they actually seem to know what they are doing and are far more professional.
I have another classmate who is a senior officer in the USCG. He actually inspected El Faro at one point. That ship was not an anomaly.
Another classmate works admiralty law for the DOJ. The crap he has to defend is embarrassing.
And until few months ago, my reserve job was at Military Sealift Command. I was actually on a short active duty mobilization last fall during hurricane season working in operations at MSC. I will say that right now, the MSC grey hull fleet (government owned and operated) is probably the best overall proficient segment of the US Flag. For the most part, they hold themselves to high standards largely because they have to. The contract operators that we dealt with on the other hand pretty much were in line with the experiences of my other classmates.
El Faro is really just the tip of the iceberg. The part that you don't see is a much bigger problem and the industry really needs to get its collective stuff together if they have any hope of keeping the protection of the Jones Act because its only a matter of time before Jones Act opponents make the case that it isn't doing what they said it was supposed to do...