Interesting POA-iPad issue.


Taxi to Parking
Gone West
Feb 26, 2005
Ft Lauderdale FL
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This is strange, my iPad is freezing loading the POA page about 1/4 bar through several cycles of waiting, cancelling and re selecting. No other page is locking up. Typically this is a problem with a board, but when I went to my laptop, no problems, iPad, still a problem, weird.
My iPad is working fine.
The problem finally cleared itself, strange, I wonder what it was balking on.
Too many Christmas cookies. You just needed to clear them.

I didn't though... maybe it took a dump and I haven't noticed in all the clutter, I hope I don't step in it packing... eeewwww iPad poo....
It's actually a feature POA management puts on people that are out of their favor - an Ipad jammer. They do it to me all the time.
Henning, press the zero key and swipe up and to the left to get the degree symbol on iOS... 68°. ~ sent from my iPhone via TapaTalk.

Cool. Some of the other keys give various options too.
Did you close all the open apps, that has caused it for me. To many apps open!

I had looked but I only had Safari mail settings and Netflix. I didn't change anything from when it happenned and it's been fine since.:dunno:
It's actually a feature POA management puts on people that are out of their favor - an Ipad jammer. They do it to me all the time.

VBulletin has a plugin called Miserable User. It makes the board for a specific user or set of users extremely slow, prone to timeouts, and the experience well, miserable.

This doesn't sound like Henning's problem though. Plus our admins here wouldn't employ such a feature. :)
VBulletin has a plugin called Miserable User.

Plus our admins here wouldn't employ such a feature. :)

That is not the cause of whatever problem Henning is having. It's only had to be used once in my tenure at PoA.
Henning, press the zero key and swipe up and to the left to get the degree symbol on iOS... 68°. ~ sent from my iPhone via TapaTalk.

Doesn't look so good on Tapatalk coming back the other direction Troy:

I don't think there is an ASCII code for "layman pilot". :)
To continue the answer to the question, computers speak (at their lowest hardware level) "on" and "off", which translates to numbers 1 and 0. Then via math, into binary counting to make integer numbers.

ASCII, Unicode, and other (mostly dead now) codes, are just a table to convert a number to a character set. Letters, symbols, whatever you want to display to the user. All represented in memory by a number.

Displaying characters from all the various human languages is a whole specialty of knowledge unto itself. Most of us don't have to deal with it much other than to use the operating system's libraries in our code that already understands and can utilize the special characters.

If you look at older codes like ASCII, you can see they weren't very "International"...

And the great grandfather of them all were telegraph codes, of which Morse Code is the most well-known, but there were many. My late grandfather was an expert operator using Union Pacific's railroad telegraph code, as one example.