Interesting afternoon <g>

Dave Siciliano

Final Approach
Feb 27, 2005
Dallas, Texas
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Dave Siciliano
I left work after lunch to vote and run some errands. While doing this, Here was There. No was Yes. I ran into members of a family business that was quite interesting, and the "city room" in the city was locked.

After getting to the local poling place, as I walked toward the building there was a prominent sign that said "voting here" with an arrow under it pointing toward the building. So, while looking at the sign and smiling to myself, a fella walks up and asks, is this were we vote. I point to the sign and say, I think so. He goes off in the direction of the arrow. So, if voting is where the arrow points, isn't it 'there'? How can it be 'here'. I couldn't vote at the sign.

Anyway, I follow the arrow into the library where there are tables to get one's ballot and cast a vote. I was very happy after voting because I voted No, NO. That is no to each issue. I don't get to say N O a lot, so it felt pretty good. NO! Later, I was telling a friend how good if felt to vote NO!

He got kinna technical and pointed out that voting NO really meant yes! That is, a No meant the city charter wouldn't be changed so a convention hotel could be built which is what the city wanted.

I kinna felt like Jackie Gleason must have after Norton finished explaining things to him. Didn't feel as good about voting No after that. Why can't No mean No?

So I go to Lowe's to fill a couple propane tanks and you won't believe what happened! As I'm waiting to check out behind this guy with plants he claimed were 50% off, but the checkout guys didn't believe it, I look and see the check out guy's name is Ed Cashier! What a small world. Boy, did he find the right line of work or what! As Ed and the guy with the plants banter back and forth, the guy at the next register waives me over. As I explain I want two propane tank exchanges, I look and you won't believe it: are you sittin down? His name is Allen Cashier! I was dumbstruck. So I say, what a coincidence that you're last name is cashier.

He says yea, kinna dryly.

And I say is Allen Cashier here related to ya?

He looks a me a minute and says, ya noticed that huh? See, this is a family business. The whole family checks folks out at Lowe's. Our last name is Cashier at all the stores, lessen one of the family is sick.

Gosh, I just didn't know that. How lucky to have a business like that all in the family!

Then, I drove up for a meeting with a city leader in Frico. He said, meet me at city hall which is on the fifth floor of a city building with the library below and lower ranking city employee offices on various floors with the top folks on the top floor which is five. Well, on the way up, first floor on the elevator label said children's books.

Other floors had different descriptions.

Then, the fourth floor said: adult books! Hey, what kinda adult books does a library have? I was almost late for my meeting tryin to find out.

Finally get up to the fifth floor and the mayor wasn't there yet. So, I look for a place to sit and work a bit.

Right across from the elevators is this huge room that says "City Room". Tried each door and each was locked. So, if the city room is locked, what does that mean?

Is the city still open?

What's a city room anyway?

I don't live in that city, so, can I still go in there?

Can one go in if they're from any city, but not the country?

Just as I was really starting to think deeply about this apparent paradox, the mayor came over and we got to visit.

Interesting day!


(Also posted on AvSig)
That was FANTASTIC, Dave.... you should submit that to the DMN or D Magazine for publishing! Might pay for your recent annual subscription to the former!

Reminds me of a scene from the movie Clue:

Col. Mustard: Wadsworth, am I right in thinking there is no body else in this house?

Wadsworth: Ummm, no.

Col. Mustard: Then there is someone else in this house?

Wadsworth: No, sorry. I said no meaning yes.

Col. Mustard: No meaning yes? Look I want a straight answer! Is there someone else, or isn't there? Yes or no?

Wadsworth: Ummm, no.

Col. Mustard: No there is, or no there isn't?

Wadsworth: Yes.

Col. Mustard: Well, there is still some confusion as to whether or not there is anybody else in this house.

Wadsworth: I told you there isn't!

Col. Mustard: There isn't any confusion, or there isn't anbody else?

Wadsworth: Either, or both!

Col. Mustard: Just give me a clear answer!

Wadsworth: Certainly! [clears his throat] What was the question?

Col. Mustard: Is there anybody else in the house!

All: NO!!!
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Thanks Troy! The things we just accept everyday are really funny to me sometimes. If I didn't find humor in them, I'd be a basket case!


After reading some of ridiculous verbiage in various proposals on the last ballot, I wondered if it would have been possible to have a "line-item veto" for voting. Surely, it wouldn't be unconstitutional for citizens?

So, what is a "City Room"?
I'm not sure Kenny!

I have to rush to a meeting this morning, but was troubled last night by where 'here' is.

Was standing outside walking the dogs after dark while chatting with a neighbor. One dog pooped and we were trying to find it (have to pick up poop here in Dallas). We have a lot of big issues (it was an election day), don't want poop laying around to mess things up.

Anyway, I walk over to about where I thought the poop was and reach down with a bag over my hand but can't locate it.
My neighbor says, did you find it?
No, I say, but it was right here somewhere.
See, 'here' is pretty specific; 'right here' is more specific. When it's near 'here', one can say 'around here' <g>. But 'right here somewhere' doesn't seem to make sense' does it?

Neighbor says, I think it was 'over there'. But he's pointing to where I though 'around here' was. But, out of courtesy, I move a bit in the direction he's pointin to 'over there. Anyway we found it; just got one shoe a bit poopy.

While we were talking, another neighbor came walking toward us from about a block off. My neighbor pointed and said, look, it's Charlie and Misty (another dog and owner).
Were I say?
Way over there he says a pointen.
So, there's 'over there' and there's 'way over there'.
How's that work? I still can't figure the difference between 'around here' and 'over there'.

Later, my Son tells me I have something on my shirt 'right there' and he points.
I look down and say, 'right here'?
No, says my Son: 'right there' and he puts his finger on the spot.
So, 'right here' for me can be 'right there' to someone else.
No wonder it takes so flippin long to learn our language!!

Remind me later to tell you about watchin out who you ask for help in the grocery store. Thought I might have to call 911 after doing this wrong!!


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I don't know what Dave's thread brought to anyone else's mind, but for me Gracie Slick's White Rabbit came to mine. What a great song. What a crazy world. "Feed you head."
"...and the one that
Momma gives you
Don't do anything at all...
...go ask Alice... when she's ten feet tall!"
Remind me later to tell you about watchin out who you ask for help in the grocery store. Thought I might have to call 911 after doing this wrong!!
A few months back, I went into Randall's. I rarely go in unless I see a few absolutely good deals in the flyer. Their idea of a sale is offering you a chance to buy two twelve-packs of Coke and get three more twelve-packs for free. The two twelve-packs are $6.99 each. I'd think they would get more takers if they simply offered twelve-packs for $2.79. I always hold out for deals where it's down to equivalent of $1.25 a six-pack. Recently, I paid $1.15 a six-pack.

On this particular visit, they had an unadvertised sale on Romaine Lettuce for ninety-nine cents a head. Good deal! But, the sign is over the section with the Iceberg Lettuce. A few sections over, there's a sign showing Romaine for $1.99 a head. But, there's no Romaine Lettuce on display. I like Romaine. I put it on sandwiches and I eat a lot of salads at home.

I looked for a clerk. None to be found except for someone cleaning the bakery. They looked and couldn't tell me anything. It was only about 7PM so someone should have been readily available. Surely, there's more Romaine lettuce in stock?

So, I go to the "customer service" counter on the other corner of the store. After I get her to come from the back office up to the front counter, I ask her about the sale on the Romaine and how I can know what the correct price is.

She slowly and more slowly walks back over to produce. I show her the sale sign over the Iceberg. It does state Romaine Lettuce and there are no dates specified. "Oh, that's in the wrong place."

I ask, "What about that sign there?", pointing to the $1.99 price over where the Romaine would supposedly be. "That's correct.", she says. "So, what's the sale sign for?", I respond. "Well, that sale has expired."

"Expired..." along with common sense.

Not long after that, I began going to a health food store, where things are usually incredibly expensive. They have Romain, Green Leaf and Red Leaf for 99 cents a head... all the time. In fact, they have awesome deals on produce and even catch 93% ground beef from time to time at $1.99 a pound.

The shelves and produce bins are always well-stocked and clerks are readily available though I've had to ask a question only once. I couldn't find the white grapes on sale for 99 cents a pound. His instructions were pretty clear. Even I could figure it out. "Right behind you."
Kenny, Randall's (and Tom Thumb, in north Texas) used to be defined by exceptional service.

Then Safeway bought 'em.

Any questions?

Safeway had huge market share in Texas well into the 80s, and blew it all, selling-off their Houston / Austin operations and just closing all of the Dallas stores one day.

Now, they bought Randalls' and Tom Thumb, and are systematically closing them, as they inevitably fail (again!) as a result of bad service.

A few months back, I went into Randall's. I rarely go in unless I see a few absolutely good deals in the flyer. Their idea of a sale is offering you a chance to buy two twelve-packs of Coke and get three more twelve-packs for free. The two twelve-packs are $6.99 each. I'd think they would get more takers if they simply offered twelve-packs for $2.79. I always hold out for deals where it's down to equivalent of $1.25 a six-pack. Recently, I paid $1.15 a six-pack.

On this particular visit, they had an unadvertised sale on Romaine Lettuce for ninety-nine cents a head. Good deal! But, the sign is over the section with the Iceberg Lettuce. A few sections over, there's a sign showing Romaine for $1.99 a head. But, there's no Romaine Lettuce on display. I like Romaine. I put it on sandwiches and I eat a lot of salads at home.

I looked for a clerk. None to be found except for someone cleaning the bakery. They looked and couldn't tell me anything. It was only about 7PM so someone should have been readily available. Surely, there's more Romaine lettuce in stock?

So, I go to the "customer service" counter on the other corner of the store. After I get her to come from the back office up to the front counter, I ask her about the sale on the Romaine and how I can know what the correct price is.

She slowly and more slowly walks back over to produce. I show her the sale sign over the Iceberg. It does state Romaine Lettuce and there are no dates specified. "Oh, that's in the wrong place."

I ask, "What about that sign there?", pointing to the $1.99 price over where the Romaine would supposedly be. "That's correct.", she says. "So, what's the sale sign for?", I respond. "Well, that sale has expired."

"Expired..." along with common sense.

Not long after that, I began going to a health food store, where things are usually incredibly expensive. They have Romain, Green Leaf and Red Leaf for 99 cents a head... all the time. In fact, they have awesome deals on produce and even catch 93% ground beef from time to time at $1.99 a pound.

The shelves and produce bins are always well-stocked and clerks are readily available though I've had to ask a question only once. I couldn't find the white grapes on sale for 99 cents a pound. His instructions were pretty clear. Even I could figure it out. "Right behind you."
You tell 'em Spike. In addition to that, in the store near me which was called a flagship store, they systematically removed premium items I liked and substituted Safeway items. Not something that flew well in my neighborhood. I used to shop there almost exclusively.

Now, I have to hit Sam's for bulk items and most produce; Tom Dump for local odds and ends, and Whole Foods for other produce and premium items.



I think here is here but it could be over there if I was over there. But since I'm here it must be here.

Don't fret about it too much remember:

Today's the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

and my favorite song title

Never say, Never Again, Again.

The Meehoo with an Exactlywatt
from the book "A Light in the Attic" (1981)

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Me who?

That's right!

What's right?


That's what I want to know!

What's what you want to know?

Me, who?

Yes, exactly!

Exactly what?

Yes, I have an Exactlywatt on a chain!

Exactly what on a chain?


Yes what?

No, Exactlywatt!

That's what I want to know!

I told you - Exactlywatt!

Exactly what?


Yes what?

Yes, it's with me!

What's with you?

Exactlywatt - that's what's with me.

Me who?


Go away!

Knock knock...