Insurance again


Jun 29, 2013
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So got the sign off last Saturday after 20+ years off and about 6 hours back in. :goofy:

So need to get the non-owned insurance covered now that I can actually be accused of being the PIC. :D

Plane I am flying is a 172M fairly fresh (150-200 hour) Penn Yann overhaul. Garmin 430. Owner (my instructor) says he figures hull value at 50K. I think 40-50K is probably close based on what I have seen online.

So this is what I have found had to do some interpolation as not everyone in their brochures offer even 50K. EAA and AOPA require membership to get those rates so added the fee in. In the case of EAA it might be worth the few dollars more for the membership. The Liability is top end for each 1 Million with 100k per passenger limit.

Airplane insurance rates
Liability 50K Fee 50K
Avemco 205 500 705
EAA 199 480 40 719
AOPA 209 499ish 45 753

Am I missing anyone I should be checking out?

On the bright side I have a friend who has hinted that he would let me go named on his Bonanza if I can get the complex out of the way and meet the insurance requirements. :thumbsup:

On a side note insurance make me crazy. Makes you wonder how many people are paying to insure the same plane particularly in a rental environment. :rolleyes2:

ETA: Chart didn't format right
Avemco $705
EAA $719
AOPA $753
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How much is the owner paying on the plane?
How much is the owner paying on the plane?

Good question. I can ask.

Two things I have discovered. Avemco is a per person limit where the EAA is per passenger. The upside to Avemco is you can do it over the phone but EAA (through Falcon) you need to mail it in. This seems ridiculous in today's world.

Also EAA asks for any waivers on your medical which I assume means SI's so is it possible my Sleep Apnea SI could make the rate higher?
How much is the owner paying on the plane?
Really doesn't matter -- absent a "waiver of subrogation" clause in the owner's insurance, if you total the plane, you'll owe the owner's insurer the amount the insurer pays to the owner and/or the bank which financed the plane. In that regard, what you really need to know is the insured value of the plane as well as the market value, and insure for the greater of the two.
I've always been happy with avemco and have recommended them to others who have also been pleased.

Had mixed results with AOPA.
I used Avemco before when I flew back in the day. My concern with Avemco is the per person vs per passenger limit. In the big scheme of things it probably doesn't matter that much if you are in a position to need it things are already going to be ugly. It just seems to me the per passenger gives you more coverage for the unsuspecting people on the ground should it become an issue.