Instrument Rating Ground Course Recommendations? CFI Lament with Inst Pilot Rating Student


Aug 5, 2018
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What are the recommendations for a ground school, Instrument Pilot Rating?
Pilot Institute

I have an Inst student that might benefit from one of these Inst courses.

I never bought any internet or video course in my career for my ratings. Three was no internet on-line or YouTube in 1985. If you got KING it was VHS. Never bought that. I got the references, AIM/FAR, FAA Handbooks, FAA AC's, PTS (now ACS), and ASA prep sample written questions. As well as IAP (and Legend), Low Alt Chart (and Legend), Chart Supplements; I self studied through my career up to ATP with help of my CFI's. Thank you CFI's... Got +90's and 100's on exams, passed check ride in min time first time. I paid for a training center to get my Citation Jet and ATP rating. My airline training was per airline school house. I still think all the references and reading, studying works.

All my GA students at least in the early days of my career (and early days of internet nothing on-line), were self study, with me giving the students the references and some one on one ground instruction as needed. Pre written and pre check I evaluated and prep'ed them. Worked well, very successful. I had great students.
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I did Gold Seal and had no problem understanding the material and scoring well on the test (missed one question). I did also complete the Sheppard course a couple of weeks prior to the test.

Sheppard Air was the one i used. It was only for written test purposes. It’s designed for that only.
I used gold seal twice and passed it twice.

I know my channel is sponsored by them and all that but it's because I believe in the product. Go sign up and take the first lesson for free that'll tell you everything you need to know.
I think that FlightInsight is the best, but watch some of their youtube videos and decide for yourself.
As a boomer (self-taught, self-motivated) who owned training centers for complex software, I learned that different people learn in different ways. When I learned to fly, I read the manual, but found the on-line video courses to be the optimal means for me to learn the material. I then reviewed with my CFI to fully comprehend the topics. Then we flew to put those concepts into practice. That worked well for me.

I won’t criticize you as you’re clearly a successful and seasoned CFI, but your post seems to indicate a disdain for other ways to learn. This one student isn’t your failure, and it may not be theirs either. Augmenting your personal reaching style with videos might prove to be better for all your students.

I enjoyed the Jeppesen course.
What are the recommendations for a ground school, Instrument Pilot Rating?
Pilot Institute

I have an Inst student that might benefit from one of these Inst courses.

I never bought any internet or video course in my career for my ratings. Three was no internet on-line or YouTube in 1985. If you got KING it was VHS. Never bought that. I got the references, AIM/FAR, FAA Handbooks, FAA AC's, PTS (now ACS), and ASA prep sample written questions. As well as IAP (and Legend), Low Alt Chart (and Legend), Chart Supplements; I self studied through my career up to ATP with help of my CFI's. Thank you CFI's... Got +90's and 100's on exams, passed check ride in min time first time. I paid for a training center to get my Citation Jet and ATP rating. My airline training was per airline school house. I still think all the references and reading, studying works.

All my GA students at least in the early days of my career (and early days of internet nothing on-line), were self study, with me giving the students the references and some one on one ground instruction as needed. Pre written and pre check I evaluated and prep'ed them. Worked well, very successful. I had great students.
None of those you list is a ground school. They are self study courses.
None of those you list is a ground school. They are self study courses.
Can’t speak for all of them, but King is definitely a ground school that will take them through all required topics (plus some) and does a decent job of prepping a student for instrument flying and the test. I would still recommend using Shepard Air afterwards to maximize your test score.
I started with Sheppard Air but really got tired of the repetition required to burn the answers in my head. I switched to King and liked it. With King I felt like I was learning and with Sheppard all I was doing was memorizing. If I wanted to learn something with Sheppard, to understand why a particular answer was correct, I had to research that on my own. That was great experience but not efficient. I’m glad I started with Sheppard, though, because of the self learning I went through in order to help with the memorization. King helped me visualize what was going on.