Instrument ground school/oral


Jan 7, 2021
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Knowledge test is completed via Sheppard air. What course did you utilize for instrument ground to to fully understand course and prep for oral checkride?
Why the PTS and not ACS?

I suspect either would be fine. Knowing the standards helped me focus on what was expected and that drove what I went back and reviewed before the oral. I had a 92 on the written and was able to address what I missed to those standards so with filling in the paperwork and such the ground portion only took about two hours.
For instrument ground school, I am hearing good things about @write-stuff and his and their offering.

Combine that with periodic ground sessions with your CFII, review of the ACS, and review of the different FAA handbooks, you will be in a good spot come exam day.
Thanks, Mike. There is a free lesson on this page regarding Localizers. No sign-up required. If anyone thinks that Sheppard has prepared them for anything beyond question memorization, they are mistaken.

Try the free lesson, then take the free test drive to further verify that this is how you enjoy learning.
Thanks, Mike. There is a free lesson on this page regarding Localizers. No sign-up required. If anyone thinks that Sheppard has prepared them for anything beyond question memorization, they are mistaken.

Try the free lesson, then take the free test drive to further verify that this is how you enjoy learning.

I just passed my ppl checkride a week ago. I thought I would enjoy some vfr flying for a few months to a year then look into instrument training. Well, that was last week and here I am already looking into it. lol
I am a life long student type of guy(I just can't get away from having to study even though I hate studying) so I might as well jump in while everything from my ppl studying is still fresh.

That course looks really well organized. I think I am going for it. Thanks for the link.