Input needed on new audio panel /radio

el con

Line Up and Wait
Apr 21, 2008
Ada Mi.
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The Flied Piper
I'm getting ready to put in an audio panel and replacing an old KX170B
I like clean ,simple, and easy to read .I've already yanked out the old Loran and (not working) ADF. I'm trying to get everything I need (VFR) in the center stack.
So far I'm looking at a PS Eng 4000 and a KX155,maybe put in an Avionics master switch.
Anybody have good or bad luck with these choices??
You can't go wrong with PS Engineering or a KX 155. Simple. Reliable. Easy to fix when they do break.
Well I could cut you a really good deal on that 180 channel radio in my glider :)

What is your budget for the upgrade? Garmin makes a really nice VFR stack that is sold by Sporty's, Aircraft Spruce and several others that advertise in Trade A Plane. Price is around $5-$6K. That is the route I would take if I were doing it.
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I'm getting ready to put in an audio panel and replacing an old KX170B
I like clean ,simple, and easy to read .I've already yanked out the old Loran and (not working) ADF. I'm trying to get everything I need (VFR) in the center stack.
So far I'm looking at a PS Eng 4000 and a KX155,maybe put in an Avionics master switch.
Anybody have good or bad luck with these choices??

Yes to the PS Engineering, though we have a 6000 not a 4000 I found it to be noticeably vastly better than the old King/Cessna/Narco varieties and right on par if not somewhat better (and about a grand cheaper) than Garmin.

KX155 is a nice radio, but somewhat overrated and IMHO overpriced as a result. Because of that, especially if you're trying to get a lot of stuff into a small amount of panel space, you may want to go with a Garmin SL30 instead.
Having an SL-30 is like having dual nav/comms in one...I really appreciate the features in mine.

Yes to the PS Engineering, though we have a 6000 not a 4000 I found it to be noticeably vastly better than the old King/Cessna/Narco varieties and right on par if not somewhat better (and about a grand cheaper) than Garmin.

KX155 is a nice radio, but somewhat overrated and IMHO overpriced as a result. Because of that, especially if you're trying to get a lot of stuff into a small amount of panel space, you may want to go with a Garmin SL30 instead.
Everyone, and I mean everyone, I know who has an SL30 tells me that they are thrilled with the decision. I know that, when I replace my Narco (as everyone also tells me is imminent, by virtue of it being a Narco), I'll want an SL30.

Everyone, and I mean everyone, I know who has an SL30 tells me that they are thrilled with the decision. I know that, when I replace my Narco (as everyone also tells me is imminent, by virtue of it being a Narco), I'll want an SL30.


Good choice, I've got one in my Tiger. The SL30 also has a built in intercom.
All good input
A dealer who sells both, told me both were good choices. He leaned toward the KX 155 because of a slightly larger display and a little brighter.Maybe better for my 56 year old eyes. He did say the display would have to be replaced about every 8 years for about $250 . Also an easier hook up of my KI 209 VOR/GS indicator. No big deal but the back up is a KX 125
I'll let the Narco AT-50 go till it dies, maybe the ADS-B's will be out by then. I'll just have them move it over under the rest in the stack as everything today is smaller than the KX-170B.
Thanks to all for the input, I guess I'll see what people have on the field and see if I can get a good close up comparison. A little more research as the old 170 isn't dead yet.