1. Aviation is cool
Just look at those old retired guys that sit at the lodge wearing leather bomber jackets emblazoned with various Air Force patches. They get all the free drinks because they have all the great stories. Think of it, if you're an old guy sitting at the lodge bar downing a gin and tonic, do you REALLY want to hear about how Aunt Mollie's petunias are doing, or how Jack's hemorrhoids have flared up again? No, you want to know what it was like to dump bombs over Dresden and fly back across the Pacific chased by squadron of Russian fighter jets and still make it home alive.
2. Aviation makes you smart
Think about it. You dozed off in math class because you never thought that stuff would actually be useful for anything beyond balancing your checkbook. Now you actually have to do math in your head, and if you f**k it up, you're toast. You gain a new found respect for math, physics and statistics. Well, you were always good statistically, you were the bomb at the poker table.
3. Aviation gets you chicks
Not really but if you happen to look like Tom Cruise, you get that association and you have a leg up (so to speak) on "the game." Plus you can talk intelligently amongst a group of people on aviation topics. You know, like how Bradley read some article in Popular Mechanics on canard wings that he didn't fully understand and tried to explain to Natsumi and flubbed explanation on how they work. You called him out on it. Natsumi was impressed. Fast forward three weeks and you're both laughing over the incident at the local sushi restaurant.