I'm so happy- I have a diagnosis! Now what?


Ben Hur B4

I suspected that I had sleep apnea for years. I finally got my sleep study back and it's been confirmed that I do have it.

I currently have a 3rd Class. The AME that I plan to see in a few months already knows that this was a possibility and has assured me that it's not a problem and that if I respond well to treatment it's a non-event.

The letter I got said that there's a nationwide CPAP shortage on CPAPs.

Is my medical still valid, now that I know I have a sleep apnea diagnosis? I would never fly tired- I have good days and not so good days, but I do know my baseline.
I don’t know the answer to your question but I really want to see what everyone thinks. I’m in the process of getting my 3rd class and had to send all CPAP compliance data and have my Dr say I was responding well to the treatment. Still waiting on my medical (that’s another thread) but Im interested to see the answer to your question. And there is a serious shortage, my son waited 4 months to get a machine after his diagnosis.
Your medical is still valid. You can get an SI for OSA so 61.53 says you’re good but it does hold you to grounding yourself if you feel impaired.
My diagnosis explains so much for me, why I've been feeling the way I do, etc. Now I don't have to feel guilty anymore for being unable to perform in the mornings, I just thought I wasn't a morning person.

Regardless of what happens with the FAA, I want to get better even if it costs my ticket. But I am not the type of person who just gives up either, I will fight for my ability to continue to enjoy flying. I just hope the FAA rolls over.
My diagnosis explains so much for me, why I've been feeling the way I do, etc. Now I don't have to feel guilty anymore for being unable to perform in the mornings, I just thought I wasn't a morning person.

Regardless of what happens with the FAA, I want to get better even if it costs my ticket. But I am not the type of person who just gives up either, I will fight for my ability to continue to enjoy flying. I just hope the FAA rolls over.
If I didn't need my CPAP, I'd happily send it to you. I hate wearing that thing.
I have actually gotten used to mine. It kinda puts me to sleep. They are aggravating but really make a difference is used as directed.
I had obstructive sleep apnea. Decided to get it looked at after people said I snored like a dump truck and every now and then would "get stuck" and suddenly gasp. I had no idea. Turns out my tonsils were the obstruction. No more snoring. Better sleep. And surprisingly, raw fruit and vegetables don't make my throat itch anymore
I could tell a difference the first night I used mine. I felt very rested the next morning. My Dr actually ordered my sleep study for high blood pressure. I’m not even sure I need it anymore my AHI average for the last 90 days was .07. But what the hell I’m used to it now.
I suspected that I had sleep apnea for years. I finally got my sleep study back and it's been confirmed that I do have it.

I currently have a 3rd Class. The AME that I plan to see in a few months already knows that this was a possibility and has assured me that it's not a problem and that if I respond well to treatment it's a non-event.

The letter I got said that there's a nationwide CPAP shortage on CPAPs.

Is my medical still valid, now that I know I have a sleep apnea diagnosis? I would never fly tired- I have good days and not so good days, but I do know my baseline.

Why not just go basic medical since you already have a class 3? You don't have to provide anything to the FAA regarding the CPAP.

I have been on CPAP since 2014 took me a year to learn to fall asleep with it on my face. Then I didn't realize the FAA requires min of 6 hours a day 75% of the time over a year. I needed to go another year of 6 hours. Sometimes I wake up 5-10 minutes before 6 hours I have to sit there just breath on the thing until it gets past 6 hours and 10 minutes. When I pulled the data into oscar the download program any day where the machine said 6 hours the data would say 5:58 minutes so all that didn't count.
I always put mine on a little before I go to sleep while watching TV. Let the clock start counting as early as possible. There have been times where I wake too early and have to lay around until I hit the 6 hr mark. The timer on my machine tracks each sleep session until 10am the next morning making it easy to just lay there and hit the mark.
I forgot I get nasal congested with it I have to constantly adjust the thing depending on the climate use flownase also keep my nose from plugging up. I believe something to do with the plastic as soon as I remove it my nose unplugs.
I find myself using Afrin a few times a month. I stopped using water and it really dries me out causing my sinuses to swell shut! The moisture causes mold in the tube. I made myself very sick about 2 years ago not cleaning properly. No water means no mold….
Ben Hur:

To update your medical you need:
Letter from your Sleep doc that has 4 components:
Uses CPAP nightly
No complaint of daytime sleepiness
Appears refreshed
ON exam, no stigmata of Rt Heart Failure

An at least 30 day bar graph report from the machine showing at least 75% of nights with more than 6 hours' usage.

Copy of the origin sleep study.

The FAA's Use attest, attached here.
If you doc hits all the points ( he can't miss a one), put your name and DOB on each and every page and US mail it (certified) to the AMCD, FAA, AAM 331, Boxo 25082, OK CIty OK 73125. The FAA wil send you an authroization and a new certificate which has a 1 year end date.

Your AME will be empowered, yearly, to reissue you if your stuff is good.


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This thread has been great to see. I always thought apnea would ground a pilot!
Several times through the years I've wondered if I have it. Years ago I went for a study though and they said I don't. Went back for a follow-up a few years later...was hoping to get a cpap at least in hopes it would at least help my snoring. No dice.
I still would love to try one.... I absolutely cannot sleep on my back, and my neck and shoulders suffer for it.
This thread has been great to see. I always thought apnea would ground a pilot!
Several times through the years I've wondered if I have it. Years ago I went for a study though and they said I don't. Went back for a follow-up a few years later...was hoping to get a cpap at least in hopes it would at least help my snoring. No dice.
I still would love to try one.... I absolutely cannot sleep on my back, and my neck and shoulders suffer for it.
Untreated sleep apnea will ground a pilot.
Untreated sleep apnea will ground a pilot.

Snoring and sleep apnea are two different things if one is just snoring without the breathing stopping you don't have sleep apnea it's not untreated he was never diagnosed.

Cpap machine is a PITA if I just snored I would love not having to sleep with this thing on my face. My latest issue is waking up with sore spots from not moving around enough while sleeping. I think the hose and mask interfere with moving around while sleeping.
By the way, the shortage is probably due to a recall by Philips Respironics about a year ago. They are still getting caught up, and other manufacturers sold a lot of replacements in a short amount of time.
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