170 hour pilot, look at a T182T. 160+ kts TAS up high. Down low expect 25 kts ground speed over the Archer. Lots of room, plentiful parts, can be serviced at nearly any field. 1 owner 400ish hour plane about $375K.
And this is a tempting proposition. Of course, then I plug some flights into FF and check flight times and fuel burns.
All of these are assuming the 4 of us (520 lbs) and 180 lbs of luggage, IFR flight with reserves plus an additional 10 gallons. These really make the BO look like a great bang for the buck, and I can pick one of those up with well-updated avionics for closer to 300K or less. As you said though, the 182 is great for her hobby of photography. Also, a much newer plane makes her a lot more comfortable as well. I like the idea of getting there faster, but on the other hand, the point of flying is to be in the air so who cares if it takes a little longer.
KFFC to KBCT - this is to visit our oldest child so probably 3 or 4 times per year at least.
Archer 4:08 35g 65% BE 11K
182T 3:39 42g 2400 MaxMP 13K
T182T 3:03 49g 75% 2400RPM 17K
T182T 3:08 47g 70% 2400RPM 17K
T182T 3:12 46g 65% 2300RPM 17K
T182T 3:27 43g 55% 2100RPM 17K
TNBO 2:27 47g 90% LOP 17K
TNBO 2:36 45g 75% LOP 17k
TNBO 2:43 43g 65% LOP 17K
550B 2:52 36g 25MP/2500RPM Lean 13K
KFFC to KJKA- This is an example of a 5 or 6 time per year weekend trip. We love the gulf.
Archer 2:50 24g 65% BE 8K
182T 2:16 31g 2400RPM Max MP 8K
T182T 2:12 35g 75% 2400RPM 8K
TNBO 1:39 32g 90% LOP 8K
TNBO 1:55 29g 65% LOP 8K
550B 1:44 26g 25MP/2500RPM LOP
KFFC to KEYW - This was just for fun. We probably wouldn't do this trip non-stop.
182T 4:20 53g 2400RPM Max MP 11k
T182T 3:37 57g 75% 2400RPM
T182T 3:39 53g 65% 2300 RPM
550BO 3:30 42g 25MP/2500RPM 15K
Any flights other than these are going to be similar in distance or just flying around the metro Atlanta area to stay proficient. My heart says Bo, but my head says 182T or T182T. My wife really likes the newer which means I automatically like it. It looks like my decision may be made.