I'm becoming an Uncle!

Tarheel Pilot

Line Up and Wait
Jan 1, 2007
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Tarheel Pilot
My sister-in-law Leslie is now in labor and she should be giving birth to her first child soon, We still don't know if it's a boy or girl but we will know soon. My brother already has the cigars ready so everyone is exciting and waiting for the new baby to arrive! I'll keep you guys updated.
ConGrats, and dont forget the reason there are Uncles is to SPOIL the Kid (lol). Tell the parents i said Congrats also.
Dave G
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Dave is right. Spoil the little one and give them back to mommy and daddy. Oh yeah...you gotta make sure his/her 1st word is aviation related. Airpane.
Being an Uncle is a whole lot of fun! I am an Uncle 3 times now.

Remember, you get to give lots of noisy presents to the kids, despite your Brother and S-I-L's objections!

Its a rite of passage.
Best thoughts for the health of mother and child and happiness of family! Have fun with your new niece or nephew!
My sister-in-law Leslie is now in labor and she should be giving birth to her first child soon, We still don't know if it's a boy or girl ...

Well you better FIND OUT if it's a boy or a girl so you know if you're going to be an AUNT OR AN UNCLE!

Say Good Night, Gracie.
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Well it's official!! At 5:45 AM EST my nephew Logan is born, coming in at 8 pounds and 13 ounces! Pictures will come later!
Tarheel, Congratulations on the new lad.

And... Goodnight, Gracie!
Well as promised, here are pictures of baby Logan.



The proud parents


and of course, myself.
