I'm ALIVE!!!!!


Line Up and Wait
Apr 14, 2005
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WooHoo!!!!!!! Just turned in the fricking project that's screwed up my life for the past couple of weeks. And only 2700 posts to catch up on....piece of cake! :goofy:

But right now, I have to go find me a beer or 3 or 8 or.............

Catch up later. :cheerswine:

good work Kaye. Ill drink for you tonight as well! :cheers:
think you'll make Ames for midwest fly in the last weekend in October? :)
great photo Kaye!

did you hear our esteemed mutual CFI is taking off (for a while anyway).
WooHoo!!!!!!! Just turned in the fricking project that's screwed up my life for the past couple of weeks. And only 2700 posts to catch up on....piece of cake! :goofy:

But right now, I have to go find me a beer or 3 or 8 or.............

Catch up later. :cheerswine:

I'm sorry, who are you again???:dunno:

Just kidding - Hope the birthdayanniversaryvacation thing went well...:cheerswine:
think you'll make Ames for midwest fly in the last weekend in October? :)

Well, I'm thinking on it......but didn't want to say anything as it might jinx my chances.:)

Like the new avatar.....is it from your flight to 6Y9?
Well, I'm thinking on it......but didn't want to say anything as it might jinx my chances.:)

Like the new avatar.....is it from your flight to 6Y9?

hope you can make it. yes thats from the flight up to 6Y9