I'm a little perturbed


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Mar 10, 2013
Oakland, CA
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Bro do you even lift
Saw this cute lil feller a few houses up from me:


So I take this pic, then walk across the street to grab a small branch I was gonna use to shoo him back into the woods which is like 6 feet behind him. Suddenly a car comes down the road, swings out wide cause she was pulling into her driveway and WHAM, runs right over him. Done. WTF u dumbass.

I know some of you don't like snakes and this isn't really about that. Just stupid people being stupid. He really was a cute lil guy.
Next time you see a snake eman.
Rattlers are a bit of a nuisance some years where we live. But not often.

But bull snakes and others? Leave 'em be. They're eating something I don't want on the property or in the house/garage making a nest.

Let 'em eat, I say! Munch those rodents! Good snakes!
Saw this cute lil feller a few houses up from me:


So I take this pic, then walk across the street to grab a small branch I was gonna use to shoo him back into the woods which is like 6 feet behind him. Suddenly a car comes down the road, swings out wide cause she was pulling into her driveway and WHAM, runs right over him. Done. WTF u dumbass.

I know some of you don't like snakes and this isn't really about that. Just stupid people being stupid. He really was a cute lil guy.
He probably would have made a decent mouser, they're good to have around. But for future reference, shooing them with a stick usually doesn't work unless they are right near some cover they can go hide in. They usually coil up and get defensive if you get close to them. And, don't try to run them out of the road with your car parked nearby. They'll try to use your car for cover, I've had that happen twice. Now I know better.
My wife thinks the only good snake is a dead snake. I am slowly getting her to think differently.

But to her defense she comes from a country where 2% of the indigenous snakes are NOT poisonous.
Unless they're living in the house, I leave all non-venomous snakes alone. They do a lot of good and no harm.

The venomous snakes I would trap and carry in a bucket to the State land if, for example, they were living in my rock wall or under my steps where they might bite someone who accidentally stepped on them -- if moving them were legal. But because it's not legal for a person without a state Wildlife Control license to move a snake off their own land, I wouldn't even think of breaking out my trusty snare and my five-gallon bucket with the air holes in it to drive them myself the 22.6 miles to the State Forest to be humanely released.

I mean, really, humanely releasing a snake without a license would be almost as bad as -- GASP -- not filing a flight plan.
