I'll be here...


Touchdown! Greaser!
Gone West
Feb 12, 2005
Lake County, IL
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Finishing dinner. Then I'm gonna break out the George Dickel and recover from work hell.

I'm gonna get a new job. The only question is whether I can stay in the same company.
Finishing dinner. Then I'm gonna break out the George Dickel and recover from work hell.

I'm gonna get a new job. The only question is whether I can stay in the same company.
Been there, done that, too many times! Self employment fixed a lot of those problems!
Been there, done that, too many times! Self employment fixed a lot of those problems!

Amen to that Brother!!!!!
The downside, my so called flexible schedule is anything but.........
Mike, how long have you been with this company?
hey mike i hear the IT jobs in Lincoln, NE are pretty good :)
Mike, how long have you been with this company?

14 years. One more and get another week of vacation. woot

I only had a bit George Dickel - about one drink - that I moved - and I found in the box - but I have a few beers.

I actually have to "go into" work now and make a quick minor fix. :goofy:
Some time change is good Mike. Pushed a desk for over 20 years, got layed off. Choice of hit the bricks or go back to pushing wrenches. Didn't feel like moving so went to the hanger. After I got over being mad about the layoff found out that 1. I was having fun again 2. no more headache or backaches and 3. I could eat pizza again with out Tums. I had forgotten how much fun it was fixing airplanes. If your not having fun it's time for a change. Good luck.
I had some fun with it today. I won a few.

On some calls, I calmly said like two sentences, hit the mute button, and LAUGHED OUT LOUD as I listened to them scramble and triple talk to cover... It's fun.
I hope it's better than the idiots at Verizon.

I ordered a single, lowest-rate business line and DSL with static addresses today. 20+ minutes on the phone (including 2.5 minutes to negotiate the voice-interactive tree, which didn't actually pass along ANY of the information I entered), and I still have to wait out a 4 hour window for them to come and put their test-set on the demarc for the POTS.... the middle of next week. (I told the CSR that they're worse than the local cable company, and he agreed :eek: )

On top of that, I caught 'em in a bit of false advertising with respect to a rebate that's advertised on the web site at $189 but he was offering at $109.40. And that the advertised price on the website for a "static IP DSL service" doesn't actually include the charge for those addresses, which are $20 more than the additional $20 above a dynamic service. Oh, and the "rebate"? 90 days.

Why Verizon? Because the cable clowns won't give me static IPs without my taking a large business service plan.
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Bill, order on the web if you can.

I still have to call DirecTV to tell them it's still broken and NO I don't want another contractor here to not fix it. It went out for HOURS during the rain.

But hey. they were able to just interrupt me with an automated phone message telling me what I already knew about the new TiVo features coming IN 6 MONTHS.
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Bill, orde ront he web if you can.

Not after the experience ordering the residential service on the web. I still had to call. Twice. Because the morons couldn't/didn't run a credit check on the web order, and they couldn't check the payment/service records on a VZ cellphone. Nor did they have records of the VZ residential service I had 10 years ago. So, it took two calls, plus an additional repair call (well, actually a repair call, plus 4 calls to the field tech because he went to the wrong address) because the had removed a jumper in the pedastal down the street.

And, I might point out, the web-order for the residential service CONFIRMED a credit for the origination charges, plus a big cash credit on the first bill. So it took ANOTHER call to try and fix that - yet the CSR on that one denied that the cash credit applied, even though I was staring at the web site and reading her the words. She then promised to investgate and call me back. Needless to say, I got no call back.

SO, I'm trying to short-circuit the process by just calling them to start with. After all, they're the PHONE company, not Amazon. And I'm trying to find out the real prices before I order (because the web site doesn't list the prices *at all* for business lines).

And, I'm readying a letter to the State Corporation Commission and State Attorney General because the web site showed a total monthly package price for service + long distance, yet the bill shows that charge PLUS an additional $10 for "basic service". When queried, the phone rep said "oh, all the plans except that one include the basic service". False and misleading pricing. I'm really waiting until I see what the next residential bill brings before I reach for the long arm of the law.
