If You Had 5M


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May 9, 2022
BC Canada/Baja Mexico
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If you had 5 Million dollars to spend on an airplane, what would you buy?

This is purely for fun, not me thinking what to get.
Operating expenses are not a factor for the purpose of this thread.

I would buy a Kodiak on aerocet amphibs.
If the cost of fuel and maintenance were also gifted? A-26. Preferably with the armed solid nose.
For $5 million I wouldn’t limit myself to one plane, I’d have a small fleet:

Air Cam
-10 powered Turbine Legend
Radial Rocket RG
Commander 1000
I don't know a lot about them, but I think I might go with an MD500 helicopter. I've always had a thing for those
and I could probably get one for a lot less the 5 million, so the balance could be used for training and some operational expenses....I think, I really have no idea how much that would cost
Wasn’t there a thread here awhile back with an article about a Gucci party boat like Albatross in it?
Not sure, but the flying yacht concept is pretty awesome. A few minutes of searching will fill your head with all kinds of possibilities. Can I change my vote? :D Gumman-SA-16A-Albatross-34.jpg Gumman-SA-16A-Albatross-17.jpg
Aero Commander 500 Shrike (with lots of money left over for a complete restoration.)
Ever since I saw Bob Hoover fly one at an air show I just had to have one!
Those flying yachts and u 16 are cool, but wouldn't they far exceed 5 Mil.
The one in the pictures might be, I don't know. A flying albatross is a few hundred k, so I imagine you could build out a pretty nice interior with the remaining 4.5 mil.
Not sure, but the flying yacht concept is pretty awesome. A few minutes of searching will fill your head with all kinds of possibilities. Can I change my vote? :D View attachment 107005 View attachment 107006

ummm....well that's sure something to consider!

I have had daydreams about retiring, selling it all, and either full timing in a nice class A RV or something like a Nordhavn trawler...but I've been conflicted about how to tie in my aviation passion.... powered paragliding has come to mind but not very seriously considering I'd be even older.

Now that idea combines them all!!!

I saw a much smaller version of something like that once a long time ago, I think it was at Oshkosh...
another vote for the P-51 or P-38 or, better yet, both
Probably a turbine Porter. It's a pretty versatile cargo truck that can get in and out of tight spaces.
With my mission(s) today? MU-2… fast up high, holds people/stuff, and gets into short-ish soft-ish strips.

But I’d be dreaming of something with radials as well…
If I had 5m to spend on an airplane I’d have a Gull Wing Stinson and a Pitts. The rest would be spent on having my own runway and hangar so I didn’t have to deal with a public airport
Something nice and simple like a SeaRey and spend the rest on a NetJet account to travel in luxury to places I want to visit. Wonder if a NetJet could get into Rough River:cool:

If you had 5 Million dollars to spend on an airplane, what would you buy?

This is purely for fun, not me thinking what to get.
Operating expenses are not a factor for the purpose of this thread.

I would buy a Kodiak on aerocet amphibs.
Yeah, I'd probably go for the same thing, actually. I'm never in a hurry, and then crossing the Great Lakes would be a little less scary.
If I had 5m I would not be hangin' out here with the rest of you losers... :lol::lol:

Yep ... wid plenty of money comes plenty of friends. As Eric sang ... "Nobody knows you when you're down & out"

A Pilatus would be nice, but not sure you’d have much left for gas after buying it.