They can write a lot of things into the contract, if the original purchaser chooses to ignore them, their only remedy is to deal with the original purchaser, not the surbsequent ones. This is a LSA, many of them will be sold by the original purchasers estate representatives. The only thing Icon can get is $5000 + interest, they have no control over someone elses property once it has been legally sold. The only way they could have achieved that would be through a lease or licensing deal, similar to how GM only 'leased' their initial electric car offering in the 1990s. Once the cars had fulfilled their buerocratic requirement, GM pulled the cars back and ran them through the shredder.
Now they can choose not to support any subsequent buyers that were not factory approved, not sure whether there is any legal concept that guarantees you factory support of a purchased product. Lots of opportunity to rack up billable hours.
And I agree, this may harm them more than it's worth. People who can write a 250k check for a toy didn't get there by being stupid (trust-fund babies excluded).