...but then I flew one, and YIKES! NOT FOR ME! I looked at a nice for sale M20J (actually bought an airline ticket for the next day, and went from Michigan to Texas in less than 24 hours after the ad posting). Shame on me for never flying (or even sitting in) in a Mooney before "picking" one as my upgrade from the Cherokee that I just sold.
So, my impression was I wasn't flying it at all...It felt like I was guiding a missile...a missile that I was crammed into/took 5 minutes to get out of...I was feeling completely claustrophobic! Then the pitch was very sensitive, while the roll was, well, just not there. I had to use two hands to roll the thing into a normal bank, literally unable to bank with one hand (I thought there was something wrong with the plane, but after we landed, I could move the ailerons no problem/without binding). The seller was very nice, and took me for a long flight, but quite frankly, flying it/flying in it was not fun. I couldn't wait to get out of it.
My complex time/high performance time, up to this point, has all been in either a Piper Arrow, or a Cessna 182. Even though one is a high wing 230 hp and fixed gear while the other is a retractable with 200 hp, they both felt somewhat the same to me to fly. Granted, there were slight differences, but mainly the same I guess, and similar to the Cherokee or Cessna 172 or Taylorcraft or even experimental I've all owned in the past. The Mooney, on the other hand, didn't seem to fly like anything I was used to at all.