I met Shawn Tucker today !


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Jun 29, 2007
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Went over to SWT Seward,NE from Lincoln to pick up my buisness partner's Beech Debonair from Annual. As we pulled up to the airport there were 4 planes doing a routine overhead and since this is not unusual for this airport I did not think twice of it...thats until I saw a Pitts land with Tutima on the tail...my jaw dropped it was Shawn Tucker him self. Anyway I went over and met him along with his team that is practicing for Oshkosh and they will be here for the next 7 days or so. Im definately going back over there during the next few days to get some free, private airshows.B)


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Cool beans!

A couple of years ago a couple of weeks after OSH on the way home at late-dusk, I noticed (what looked like) an RV-8 and a small bi-plane do an overhead break to landing at our local airport. That's not typical for the area, so my wife and I made a detour through the airport parking lot. As we pulled up, I saw the little red Pitts with "ORACLE" on the side. Even my wife recognized the plane -- we both looked at each other and said "Naaah.. Surely not." An Extra 300 parked next to it and the guys got out (not Sean Tucker), but it was his plane. The FBO was closed, and they were looking around like they needed a phone, so I went out and offered them a ride to town. I helped them push their planes into a hangar and gave them a ride to the hotel. Turns out, it was a couple of instructors from Sean's flight school in California. They were ferrying the planes to Chicago for a big airshow there.

It was cool to get a personal up-close view of the planes - basically an engine with control surfaces. :)

Any idea why they chose Seward for their practice area?
Ken the wisea$$!!! :D

Very cool for you! Right place, right time I suppose.
Hmm. Looks like i have to head up the road. I wonder if he's on any type of schedule...
That's awesome! Get a photo with him or an autograph?

No I didnt, I met them just after they got out of the plane and they quickly went into the post-flight briefing...they even had a bunch of guys that do nothing but clean the planes after every flight. Nicy group of guys...glad they picked Seward to "hide out"