I kick my cats... hard and I'm not even sorry anymore


Final Approach
Aug 12, 2012
Danger Zone
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Hows that for a clickbait title?

I just had an incident... one that has been repeated several times within the past week and indeed over and over throughout my years of cat ownership. I was walking across a room, around a sitting cat when the cat for whatever reason flung it's self right in front of my foot, causing me to unintentionally kick it good and hard, flinging it sideways and sending it panic running away.

So I was being a bit misleading with the title but not that last paragraph. They do this all the time, sometimes I have shoes on and end up stepping on the cat and freak out for a moment in fear I might have seriously injured it. So far this has never happened.

Has anyone ever done a study? So many cats do this so often there has to be something in kitty behavioral psychology to explain it. I can't be the only person to ask this question.
Cats just want to step in front to get your attention and rub up against your leg. When you enter a room, just take a short pause and if the cat is present, it will come up and rub against your shin. Then bend down, pick up the cat and hurl the cat across the room like a football. Problem solved. :p

In all seriousness, the cat will learn to get out of your way. Give it time.
Cats are essentially stupid. . .even the big cats; they have great instincts, are beautiful animals, gifted with speed, quickness, and grace. But the average bowling ball is smarter than a cat. Don't bother with anecdotes about how smart your cat is - it's either self deception on your part, coincidence, or BS.
My cat will try to run through my legs as I walk. Sometimes I see her and stop, sometimes I don't see her until I fling her off my foot.

But she will still come to bed when I call her. Like a dog, she will come running and jump onto our bed and crawl up on my chest waiting for me to rub her head until she has had enough. Then she will lay down between us and curl up.

Right now she is sleeping in her box next to my desk. But as soon as I tell her it is time for bed she will get up and follow me to the bedroom.
I took up cat juggling. Didn't take long before I had to search for the cats before entering a room. Now I only kick'em when I've had "one of those days...":)
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They usually get under your feet for attention. If I step on or kick one of our cats...that's their problem.

When the cats get under my wife's feet, she picks them up & gives them attention. I don't do that. Maybe, that's why the cats like her much better than I.
The cat just assumes that you are as smart, agile and aware of your surroundings as he is, so he assumes you will avoid kicking him.
It isn't the cat's fault that you are a clumsy klutz with a narrow field of vision.
They usually get under your feet for attention. If I step on or kick one of our cats...that's their problem.

When the cats get under my wife's feet, she picks them up & gives them attention. I don't do that. Maybe, that's why the cats like her much better than I.
Heck, from your description, I like your wife more than I like you! So again, don't blame the cat.
Why are you place kicking instead of drop kicking? What sort of distance are you getting?
The cats might enjoy the thrill of being kicked by accident? They are wierd.
Why are you place kicking instead of drop kicking? What sort of distance are you getting?

LOL drop kick! Showed my grandson how to do that yesterday. Use to practice it way back in Jr High football but never used it in a game. We didn't score much. Probably why we didn't win any games, maybe one though.
If a cat's in the chair where I'm about to sit, I sit. If a cat lays in the spot where I'm about to step, I step. If the cat walks in front of my foot, it gets kicked.

It's my house, not my cat's.
If a cat's in the chair where I'm about to sit, I sit. If a cat lays in the spot where I'm about to step, I step. If the cat walks in front of my foot, it gets kicked.

It's my house, not my cat's.
Where did you ever get such a crazy idea?
My cat.

One day I took a sticky roller to try to get some lose hair off of her before it got all over the bed.

Now every morning and evening I have to get the sticky roller and roll her. She will sit there and meow until I unwrap a new sheet.
Easier to just have a dog

From my understanding you won't be able to get a ATP if you have a cat, I believe it disqualifies you under the "good moral character" part
Easier to just have a dog

From my understanding you won't be able to get a ATP if you have a cat, I believe it disqualifies you under the "good moral character" part
No way is a dog easier.
If my wife and I want to go to Savannah or New Orleans or Key West for dinner, and to spend the night, we just put out extra cat food and cat litter and water and go. They are fine for a couple of days.
Try THAT with a dog.
Where did you ever get such a crazy idea?

From my dog. Who moves when I sit, lays where I tell her, and knows better than to get in my way when I'm walking. My dog gets it. My cats don't, not that I'd expect them to.

I make it sound like I don't like my cats. I do, they're a lot of fun and good pets. But I don't defer to them.
Easier to just have a dog

From my understanding you won't be able to get a ATP if you have a cat, I believe it disqualifies you under the "good moral character" part

Not true at all James. How else would you shoot Cat 2 & 3 approaches?

Not true at all James. How else would you shoot Cat 2 & 3 approaches?


That picture is adorable. That said, every time, and I mean EVERY time I go into my office to fire up X-Plane, my Calico comes in and proceeds to start interrupting me, getting in the way of the rudder pedals, etc. etc. And doing her level best to either make sure I crash or remind me that the office is, in fact, hers.
Our last cat was very stupid. Probably why it only took 2.5 years for him to get killed by a car. He was constantly under foot, sometimes even lying in wait to ambush your ankles as you passed. My daughter's cat is pretty smart though, and never gets under our feet.
A story about a nice tabby I adopted prior to marrying my first wife. She was only a few ounces of kitten when I took her home. She found a comfortable place on the second pillow on my bed and made herself at home there until first wife moved in and occupied he pillow. Scorned female? You bet your ass she was and never let me forget. My second wife and the cat got along well, but until the day she died that damned cat scorned me to the degree of waiting in the window for me to get home and then sticking he tail in the air and walking away and ignoring me. She continued to do that till she died.

Cats either love or hate you. To this day I have not figured which they prefer to do. OTOH, Our shop mauser was the friendliest puss. She sat in my lap and purred every morning while the boss and I planned the day. She is now seventeen and still in good health. Way to go kitty.
You have to earn a cat's affection; that's part of why they're so great.

It's their way of weeding out the riff-raff. :D
Dang, I was hoping for good intentional cat kicking story. Disappointing indeed.
A coworker droned on about her "smart" cats. . .every day. . .wouldn't shut up. . .She asked me if I liked cats;
I told her "Sure! You want to exchange recipes"?
A coworker droned on about her "smart" cats. . .every day. . .wouldn't shut up. . .She asked me if I liked cats;
I told her "Sure! You want to exchange recipes"?

My pastor has had a couple of cats forced into his household by his wife and daughters. For Christmas a couple of years ago, I gave him a t-shirt: "I love cats - I just can't eat a whole one by myself." He loved it.